Chapter 27

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A/N Helllllloooo my lovelies! Did we all enjoy the Minsung 2 kids room? I squealed more than once.  Ok so for this chapter, I know the award show doesn't quite fit a specific one, I kind of combined outfits and things that happened from various award shows. Please remember this is an AU story so don't come for me because I didn't get xyz detail perfect. AU means alternate universe. It's all made up I just like to take bits and pieces of reality and weave them in to make STAY happy. As always this is fiction and any resemblance to reality is coincidental. I do not know or own the people written about here. Feedback is the breath of life for me so if you like what I write please let me know. I cross post between Wattpad and AO3 so if you see my writing anywhere else please let me know. Feel free to follow me on twitter at _eyes_wideshut and feel free to chat with me. I love tossing ideas around. Enjoy!

Actually arriving with Stray Kids this time was fascinating. Felix would catch flickers of thoughts and memories of the places they passed. {F- So you guys used to eat here as trainees? } {H- This is where our tradition for Innie eating first happened. } {F- This is so awesome!} {C- I can't wait to make new memories with you as part of us.} Changbin looked so tenderly at Felix it almost took the younger man's breath away. "I love you." Felix told him softly.

"I love you too." Changbin replied as if he always said it but hearing those words for the first time from Changbin even though Felix had felt it from him made his eyes fill. "Don't cry Lix, that should be a happy thing."

"They are!" Felix laughed. "I'm just happy and excited." His connected could feel how much excitement he carried that was almost bubbling out.

They arrived at the dorm and helped carry Felix's items in though he flat refused to allow them to carry him. He dropped his stuff in Hyunjin's room. Jeongin came into the doorway with a smile. "We made you a desk area a week or so ago so that you will be able to work. I know you are on leave right now but I thought you might want to see it." Felix smiled at the group maknae.

"That's amazing! Yes, show me."

Jeongin led Felix to Changbin's room where they had set up a divider and put up a whole office space for Felix. "Minnie made sure we brought your computers so we can set them up in here. Changbin wanted to share some of his room with you and we figured this might be a good way. Plus it allows for his room to be a solitary one for anyone of you three who need some time alone...well as much as you can be alone I guess." He laughed. Felix laughed too and then winced at the protest from his ribs. Within a minute, Changbin and Hyunjin both flew in the doorway.

"Angel, are you ok?" Hyunjin asked.

Felix grinned. "Yeah, my ribs just argued for a moment."

"Are you sore, beautiful?"

"Yeah." Felix admitted.

Felix spent the next few days getting acclimated to living with these amazing men. It seemed they didn't want to leave him alone so even though they were busy preparing for an award show performance the next weekend, they individually found time to spend with Felix. Jeongin helped him get his home office set up just the way he liked, even taking him down to the nearest store to stock up on pens and notebooks and anything else he wanted for it. His easy smile and warm personality made Felix want to be around him. Though the youngest, Felix was amazed by how often Jeongin actually acted like the eldest in the group.

Seungmin spent quiet time with Felix when he wanted to rest up.The younger man made him relax just with his presence but he talked with Felix whenever he wanted to chat. He told Felix all about how they had been put together. He told stories of what the various members were like in the early days. Considering how loving Chan was, Felix was surprised to hear what a task master he had been in the early days. It seemed once they debuted he finally relaxed and let them see who he really was. Seungmin adored his eldest brother but he delighted in being a little gremlin that picked on Chan every chance he got. Seungmin could be vicious when he wanted to be but he never seemed to direct that toward Felix.

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