Chapter 16

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A/N hello my lovelies! I have been working on getting this story coded for colored lettering for the thoughts. I succeeded for AO3 but here I haven't figured out how yet. If you have any ideas please let me know. This is dedicated to my fellow witches; iykyk. If you want to be alerted when I update you can follow me on twitter at _eyes_wideshut. I do not know or own the characters here except any previously named (which do not appear in this chapter). This story is fiction and is a product of my own twisted imagination. Your feedback means the world to me so if you like what I write please let me know. I am very sorry for the delay in writing. I have no excuses beyond life taking a bite lately. I hope you enjoy. Remember that These are Felix's thoughts, these are Hyunjin's and these are Changbin's.



"I got him, FUCK!"

The room was full of the sounds of yelling and cheers as the battle raged and Hyunjin watched with a smile at Felix's tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration as a game battle royal went on. It was Felix and Jeongin against Seungmin and Jisung. When Jeongin sniped Jisung, Felix jumped to his feet and tackled Jeongin with a hug.

"Awww, I demand a rematch! You totally got me through the wall, that's cheating!" Jisung yelled. Changbin chuckled as he watched Felix cuddling Jeongin who was tolerating it better than usual. It appeared no one was safe from Felix's charms.

"I think we should go do karaoke." Chan suggested and everyone's eyes snapped to him.

"YES!" Jisung yelled.

Felix threw himself on Hyunjin and kissed him. I love them so much. Hyunjin brushed his hair from his face tenderly. They love you too. You have captured us all, Lix. Changbin watched them with a tender look. The group all went to get ready to go out for karaoke. Felix put on some jeans and a t-shirt and kissed Hyunjin's shoulder before heading into the kitchen to get some water. Minho and Jisung were cuddling on the couch together, their fingers gently playing with each other, Jisung's head on Minho's shoulder and the elders leg slung over the younger. They looked adorable and very comfortable. As one they looked over to Felix. "Hey." He said with a smile to them.

"Hey Lix." Jisung said with a smile. Minho just looked at him. If Felix hadn't spent so much time in Hyunjin's head he would have thought the other man was angry but he knew better, he knew that Minho was more like deep, still waters. His outside didn't always reflect his actual emotions. "You ready for karaoke?"

"Yeah. I've never done it before but I'll have fun I'm sure." Felix smiled. "Is it ok if I get some water?"

Minho gave a soft smile. "Felix-ah, you are welcome to anything you want. You are part of us now. Your connection with Hyunjin and now Changbin puts you in a rather unique position."

"Almost like you're an eighth member!" Jisung said excitedly while bouncing a bit in place. Felix grinned at him.

"I can't sing like you guys can and I definitely couldn't handle you guys schedule but I love being here with all of you." He went and got a bottle of water out of the fridge and opened it, taking a sip as he sat down with the couple. "I feel like I know you all already but I'm sure for you guys it has to be a little weird having this stranger who knows you all so well just thrown into the mix." He gave a rueful smile.

The couple shared a look and then looked back at Felix. "It's less weird to us than you might think." Minho said with a bit of a smirk. "Hyung was probably the most thrown by it but that's because he is a control freak so the fact Hyunjin wouldn't tell him anything and then went to visit you just had him on edge."

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