Chapter 23

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A/N And here we are again. First this is as always FICTION. I do not know or own any of the people mentioned here except the twisted Jacob and don't ask what corner of my mind he lurks in. I only post here and on AO3 so please alert me if you see my writing elsewhere. I love feedback, it fuels my process (as an example this chapter has been half done for a couple weeks but I got a comment last night that triggered my need to finish this! Comments are food for my muse. I'm not holding my stories hostage or anything it just gets my creativity flowing faster. If you want to be alerted when I update any of my stories follow me on twitter at _eyes_wideshut. This chapter is dedicated to my beloved friend Makirasan whose own amazing writings along with her support of me (and the other two witches) always make me want to do my best and give me ideas. SO many of the moments over the last couple chapters have come about because of conversations with her. I credit her entirely for the whole pharmacetol conversation as well as several things in this chapter that her comments or conversations had me adding in details for. While I understand the connections and how it works I don't always take into consideration that you all don't so I love questions that make me flesh out the answers. She specifically had asked about the sleep medicine Felix took last chapter and how it would affect the others. I found a way to explain it here so I hope it help. Now this chapter starts soft and fluffy but it has some major trigger warnings. SO tw for abuse, blood, and in general for rage. If those bother you but you want to know what happened without getting triggered; stop reading at the *** and send me a message and I will explain what happened to the best of my ability without the triggering language. Now get to reading!

Chapter 23

Felix felt like he had slept too much but Changbin was sleeping hard and the smaller man didn't want to wake him so instead he just had his head propped up on his hand and smiled watching his lover sleep. {F- He looks so peaceful like this.} {H- I don't think any of us have slept particularly well lately. We have been worried about you so I think this is the most rest he has had since you left.} {F- I love you so much Hyunnie. You know that right?} {H- Lix, that is not even a question in my mind. You worry so much about everyone else and making sure everyone around you knows how much you care. Baby, I know with everything in me that you love me with all your heart. You also love hyung and that's wonderful. That just means you have more love in your life and more people to protect and care for that precious heart of yours.} Felix could feel the love and certainty Hyunjin felt and it calmed him. He had worried so much that Hyunjin would get possessive and jealous but instead he was supportive and happy for them. {H- Besides, it isn't like I'm not there for it. As long as I am awake, I am right here for you both.} Felix nodded with a grin.

The two talked for a couple hours while Changbin slept. Felix could feel the alcohol Hyunjin had drunk at the party but it was like he could feel how it could make him feel. It was like one step back from actually affecting him which was an interesting feeling. He could feel the giddiness he normally felt when drunk but with a clear mind. That was kind of cool. {H- Min hyung mentioned he and Jisung had experimented some, I just assumed they meant sex stuff but they could have meant this too.} Felix nodded.

He looked over and could see Hyunjin laying on his bed, bare and lightly covered by a sheet, his face clear of makeup and his arms wrapped around a pillow, facing a mirror the way they all seemed to unconsciously do now so that the others could see them. {F- You are so beautiful Jin.} His eyes swept over the honey colored skin. His body deceptively lanky but hiding quite a lot of muscle when he wanted to show it. His movements were also so seductive without even meaning to be. He just had that gift.

In return Hyunjin's eyes lazily swept down Felix who had his head resting on a sleeping Changbin's chest. He could feel the weight of the muscular rappers arm around him, and how it made Felix feel tiny and precious. He could feel how much he adored that feeling and realized with the way Jacob had constantly treated him as if he were fat and unable to ever attract anyone else, how much he loved this feeling. He had Hyunjin who had been recruited for JYPE merely for his appearance before he had even built his skills and he had Changbin who was so muscular. With the two it completely invalidated everything Jacob had ever said about him. Here he was desired and loved by two incredibly handsome men and both were strong. Hyunjin made him feel small due to his height but it wasn't until he felt the safety of Changbin's arm around him that he realized how much Felix loved being made to feel tiny and fragile by them.

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