Chapter 17

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A/N Hello my lovlies! I couldn't leave you with that cliffhanger for long so here you go. Also there was so much ground I needed to cover here that I couldn't find a good stopping point so it is a much longer chapter than I usually do however a lot is conversation and that moves quickly. I hope you like it.

This story is fiction, plucked from my own imagination. I do not know or own SKZ, the members, management or company. I write solely for the purpose of my own enjoyment and I make no money off my writing, please don't sue me. My works are only posted here and AO3 at this time though I have given one person permission to translate my works and post them (with credits) to another site but that has not begun yet. If you see my works posted elsewhere please let me know. If you wish to be alerted when I update any of my stories follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter.

To my fellow witches, I love you more than you could ever know. Whether we talk and bounce ideas or if your story just means that much to me; you inspire me to keep going even when I doubt myself. To the members of a rather Risque Stay group on fb; thank you. Chatting with you, sharing our thoughts and our love of various fanfiction makes me want to write even more. I'm so thankful I found my people. Also because I am having issues with wanting to make sure you know whose thoughts are whose and when but coloring is not possible here and my underline, bold and italics don't always show up on here, I have decided that for Wattpad, I will put a lowercase f, h or c before someone's thought and brackets before and after the thought so you know if it is Felix Hyunjin or Changbin. I have started with this chapter but will be going back to update the previous chapters in this way. I hope that it helps.

again lower case letter before and brackets around the thought will denote whose it is.


f{Felix thought.}  c{Changbin thought} h{Hyunnie thought}


Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin's minds whirled through thoughts and memories. Times Jisung or Minho seemed to know what the other was doing even when they weren't together. The way they looked at the door just as the other entered the room as if they had known they were about to walk in. The way Minho had told Hyunjin that he and Jisung weren't the norm when they had talked in the dance room. How the pair had stared at each other at the first meeting as if they had been struck by lightning. The way Minho knew how to greet Felix instinctively. The way Minho always knew when Jisung was having a panic attack even when he wasn't near. The way Jisung had reacted to get Hyunjin home almost at the same second Hyunjin had reacted to Felix connecting to Changbin. The way all the others had been full of questions about how their connection worked but yet neither Jisung nor Minho had asked a single question. h{What the fuck?} c{Seriously? How did they hide this?} "HOOOLLLY SHIT!" Felix said.

"Are you two connected?" Hyunjin hissed. 

Chapter 17

There was complete silence for a heartbeat before there was an explosion of sound around the table. Chan banged his hand on the table once and the table went silent again. "I don't think this is a good place to have this conversation." he said, authority commanding his tone. "We head to the dorms and I think Jisung and Minho have some things to tell us. Family meeting time." He gave them a stern look. Minho sighed but nodded.

c{How could they have hidden this from us?}  h{They saw how much I was struggling with this.} f {You didn't tell them right away though.}  h{No but when I did, why didn't they come clean?} Felix and Changbin could feel his hurt that they had left him alone with his confusion and doubts. c{Jinnie, by the time you told them, you weren't still confused or feeling doubts were you?}  Hyunjin went through the time line and he had to begrudgingly admit that Binnie had a point. By the time he had told the group, he fully accepted and even enjoyed Felix's presence in his head. h{Doesn't mean they shouldn't have told us.}h  c{I know. No wonder they didn't ask any questions. The only reaction was when Jinnie and I connected too. Minho made that comment about not having heard of three people connecting before.} f{Oh yeah, I had forgotten all about that! Maybe they just didn't want me to know.} Felix bit his lip as he thought about it. f{I mean, I already know too much about them anyway but to let a stranger know this too...} c{Stop right there, Lixie. They could have told us years ago. This has nothing to do with you. Stop making yourself the bad guy in everything. Your own insecurities are putting things on you that you had nothing to do with. You are a good man. I barely know you and can see that. You deserve to be respected and appreciated for what you bring to the table and that means from yourself as well. No one elses opinions can be as pride filling or as hurtful as your own. You will never find your self worth until you allow yourself to.}

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