Chapter 20

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A/N Hello my lovlies! Here is chapter 20. Thank you so much to my Makirasan for your help and support with this chapter. This story is complete fiction and any resemblance to reality is coincidental. If you like what I write please let me know. Your comments mean the world to me and keep me motivated. If you wish to be alerted when I update you can follow me on twitter at _eyes_wideshut. Enjoy!

Chapter 20

Felix expected to settle back into his normal life as if nothing had changed but everything felt different. He hadn't expected it. He had gotten into bed the night he had gotten back after his guests had left and stretched and starfished across the bed. He stretched and enjoyed his space to stretch out. He sighed and snuggled into the comforter. Felix yawned and smacked his lips. {C- Goodnight Sunshine.} Felix smiled. {F- Night Binnie. Take good care of Hyunjinnie for me.} {C- I will}. He looked over at the sleeping artist and Felix's smile turned tender at the view. He watched Changbin turn off the light and leave Hyunjin's room. He relaxed and waited for sleep to take him.

Two hours later he was still waiting. He rolled over again and gave a heavy sigh. He could no longer feel Changbin letting him know the other two men were asleep. He flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. It was like he had an itch below his skin but couldn't figure out what was wrong. {F- I miss them.} He finally realized. That was the itch. The bed was so empty and cold without the two men's bodies around him. He wanted the warmth and safety of Binnie's arms. He needed the love and tenderness of Hyunjin's touch.

The next day as he clocked in to work he glanced up at the poster of the guys smiling automatically but the smile dropped off some as he looked at their faces. They looked plastic, fake. The motionless faces giving their blank smiles for the camera weren't the men he had grown to love. While Jisung smiled, where was the hyperactive joy he exuded when he was comfortable. Jeongin's polite smile was nothing to the slightly perverted naughty grin he gave to the people he cared about. Seungmin looked haughty without a hint of his actual grin. Felix remembered Hyunjin mentioning that the vocalist didn't like to smile due to comments about it from pseudo fans. But to his brothers, his smile was full of joy and life and just a hint of savagery. Minho was smiling slightly with a peace sign and not a hint of the quirky attitude that made him so much fun. Chan was giving a wink as if he knew how desired he was, hiding completely the real man who was somewhat insecure about his own looks. Then his eyes fell to his two lovers. He didn't like that view at all.

Hyunjin...his beautiful Hyunjin looked so cold and polished, a cocky smirk gracing those gorgeous full lips. The picture held none of the warmth and love the man looked at him with. The cold cocky look held none of the stillness and beauty the man had when he quietly sketched. It held none of the chaotic dorkiness when he was comfortable in his own skin. It was just a cold picture and not the man he loved. Then there was Changbin. His picture; all muscled and hot but none of the childlike joy in life. That adorable giggle was missing. That protective love. The man who was so willing to listen all night if you needed him to and give thoughtful advice and then follow it up with an adorable laugh and some flirtation. These were not the two men he adored in person. What showed on the poster was not the real men. It was a fan's view and he wanted the real thing. He wanted a picture of his friends and lovers; not the world's Stray Kids. {C- We will take a group picture and send it to you.} {H- That poster is Stay's version of us. We can send a picture of the real us if it would help.} His lovers chiming in to confirm his thoughts soothed him.

When Felix went to break, he started throwing things in a small bag without even thinking about it. It wasn't until he put in a spare toothbrush that Changbin asked what he was doing. {F- I don't know. I was missing you guys and started thinking maybe I should have an emergency go bag packed in case I need to head to you guys in a hurry?} He thought. {C- Lix, you can come anytime you want. If it makes you feel better to have a go bag then pack two.} Felix smiled at his understanding. {F- Thanks Binnie.}

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