Chapter 15

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A/N thank you all so much to the response for the previous chapter. I was so worried how everyone would take Binnie's joining but the response has been overwhelming and positive. Thank you all. I always intended this to be the three of them and tried to leave a few breadcrumbs without making it obvious. It appears I succeeded lol. To my author friends, thank you for your constant support and praise. To my discord friends, I love you so much. You have no idea. To my readers and the people who comment, kudo and find ways to tell me what they think of my story; you all mean so much more to me than you will ever know. You guys keep me writing. With responses like the last chapter, I couldn't help but get this done quickly. See Makirasan, I put down what I was doing and wrote the damn thing. lmao. This story is fiction and any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. I do not know or own the characters depicted here except the ones I have previously mentioned. If you would like to be alerted when I update any of my stories follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter. 

The thoughts have changed. Now Felix is Bold. Hyunjin is Italics. Changbin is underlined. My formatting is not transferring well so I am trying to find a solution but I read through this several times and think I made sure all the thoughts were shown correctly. If I can figure out how to put each person's thoughts in colors it would be even better. I'll keep trying. I'm not trying to confuse. Anyway, get to reading. Enjoy!

Chapter 15

They sat with the others for a few minutes before Hyunjin took Felix's hand and went to grab his luggage and take it into his room. As soon as the door closed behind them, Hyunjin had Felix pressed to the door, the Aussie's legs wrapped around him, kissing him as if he was a man drowning and Felix was oxygen. Are you ok? Truly? Yeah. I'm ok. It just freaked me out, it's still freaking me out. He really wants to be in here right now. He's very...protective. Yes, I am. It's ok. I can wait to figure things out. Don't worry about me, Felix. I love you, Hyunnie. You know that, right? Felix worried. I know, baby. He ground against Felix and groaned in pleasure. I want you so bad. I want you too. We could have a quickie right here. Felix suggested but Hyunjin cradled his face and just kissed him tenderly. Not a chance. You deserve so much more than a quickie.

Felix could feel Changbin paying attention to everything and could feel his desire and memories of his night with Hyunjin and his thoughts on Felix's beauty as well. It was fueling Felix's desire but also his guilt. Hyunjin could feel the whirl of emotions and though he couldn't feel what his hyung was feeling and thinking he could hear and feel Felix's. It's ok baby. Get to know him some and maybe we will figure out how this will work. Hyunjin and Changbin could both feel Felix's attraction to both men and his worry what that made him and what it would make the others think of him. Felix, you aren't a whore. Being attracted to both of us doesn't mean anything. I've done some research since finding out about you and there has to be a reason we both connected to you. We will figure it out together. Just take some time to relax and get to know all of us in person and let us get to know you. OK. Ready baby? Felix nodded. Hyunjin took his hand and led him out to the others.

Felix sat on the couch and Hyunjin sat on his leg and Felix wrapped an arm around the dancer. Hyunjin leaned back against him holding his hand. Changbin hesitated. Is it ok? He asked. How do you feel about Changbin sitting next to me? Felix felt the brief war of emotions and looked down in shame. Hyunjin looked back at him. Lix, it's ok. I trust you and I trust him. The three of us will figure this out but for now, if you feel drawn to it, do it. I know how you feel about me. Whatever happens with him and your bond with him, that doesn't change how you feel about me. Felix nodded. It's ok. He thought to Changbin. The muscular man took a seat next to him, his muscular thigh pressed against Felix's; warm and comforting.

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