Chapter 8

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A/N I do not know or own Stray Kids, all other characters are my own creation. Any resemblance to real people is coincidental. If you would like to be alerted when I update any of my stories, please follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter. I am trying to update my other stories as well but am not sure exactly where to take them, particularly Distant Dreams so if you have any ideas or things you would like to see in the story/stories, please feel free to message me. I can't guarantee I will use any thoughts or ideas but am always happy to toss ideas. It gets my muse moving when I'm stuck as I am with Distant Dreams. I only post here and on AO3; if you see my work posted anywhere else please alert me. As always, thank you to my amazing readers for your incredible feedback and love for my stories. They mean far more to me than you will ever know. Enjoy!

Chapter 8

The week moved quickly for both of them. Felix worked extra during the week so that he could take a half day on Thursday and take most of Friday though he did have a morning meeting he would have to attend online but it would only be a couple hours. He watched Hyunjin get his plane ticket with a smile. He had butterflies in his stomach at the thought of actually seeing him in person. He had nerves about it somewhat. It was intense to know their very first in person conversation was going to take place while Hyunjin was staying with him for a whole weekend. But he had heard every single thought Hyunjin had had for a while now. You literally know me better than anyone else. Don't be worried. You see me more clearly than anyone else ever has. I know. It's just nerves. I know you would never do anything I don't want you to. I do worry some though about moving too fast after I just broke up with Jacob. I can understand that. I have no real expectations, Lix, Whatever happens is what happens. I just want to spend time with you and actually see your facial expressions instead of just feel them cross your face. He could feel Felix's joyful smile at that. Our one downfall. We can't actually see each other. True.

Wednesday night had Felix hanging out with Vanessa again. They were dancing around the kitchen and cooking dinner for Arny who would be by after he got off work. "You are in a really good mood." Vanessa told him with a grin and bumped his hip with her own. "You looking forward that much to our movie night?"

"I'm just in a good mood." Felix hedged.

"Would that have anything to do with you being lost in thought all week?" She asked with a sly grin. What do you want me to tell her? I don't know. I like her but I'm not sure how much to trust her just yet. It's ok, Jinnie. I won't tell her anything you don't want me to.

"I'm having a....a friend...a really good friend come to visit." Felix finally answered.

"Oh." Vanessa said with a raised eyebrow. "How long will they be here?"

"All weekend." Felix said and blushed.

"Ohhhh. So a great weekend planned." She teased and then gave him a spontaneous hug. "I'm happy for you, Felix. You deserve so much happiness." The doorbell rang and she grinned and bounced over to let in her boyfriend. The three of them had a bunch of laughter and some great food. Felix adored his new friends. Arny was quiet but funny and so protective and loving toward Vanessa. It really made Felix want a relationship like that. He couldn't deny he was attracted to Hyunjin but he didn't know if that's where this was headed or not. But he couldn't help but to compare how Hyunjin would be as a boyfriend. He knew he would be amazing. He was honest, kind, loving and respectful. Felix hadn't had any good experiences with relationships since Jacob was his first. Being friends and caring is the most important thing. We already have that. Whatever we end up as, is ok. I just want you in my life. Felix smiled a gentle smile. I want that too.

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