Chapter 11

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A/N hello my lovlies! As always, I do not know or own any of the people involved in this story except those mentioned in previous chapters. As I stated a few chapters ago, always check the tags. I have several things in mind for this story that I don't want to spoil so I won't tag them until the chapter that introduces them. This story is fiction and any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Also due to the fact that this story is an AU some timelines are altered a bit. For example, Hyunjin and Jisung's feud lasting longer than it did in real life. Feedback feeds my muse more than you can imagine so if you like what I write, please let me know. I only publish here and on AO3 so if you see my work posted elsewhere please let me know. If you want to be alerted when I update any of my stories, you can follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter. Now get to reading and I hope you enjoy.

Felix woke up on Saturday, his body sore from their exertions the night before but he was surprised that it was a good sore and not a painful one. It was the soreness of lovemaking where his body had been well used and loved but not one of mistreatment. He looked at Hyunjin's face, relaxed in sleep. His features seemed much younger like this. It was his expressions and his sultry attitude that made him appear older, Felix realized. Like this he looked eighteen or nineteen. Felix lightly touched the other man's cheek and watched him sleep. Felix felt so cared for and loved. He had never felt anything like this. He had never known it could be like this. He had watched romance movies and always enjoyed them and daydreamed but deep down, he had thought it was fantasy. There was no way someone would put his needs first. But Hyunjin had; and not just the night before, he had from the beginning. It was epic and he had a hard time wrapping his head around it.

His musing was brought to an abrupt end when Hyunjin's phone rang. The older man stirred and reached for it. "Hello?" He asked, his voice gravelly with sleep as he pulled Felix back down to rest on his chest.

"Hyun-ah." Changbin's voice sounded. "Hyung said you went to visit a....friend." He paused.

"Mmhmm." Was all Hyunjin responded as his hand lazily rubbed Felix's back.

"You haven't talked about a friend. In fact you haven't talked much lately. I was getting a bit worried and was gonna talk to you about it soon. Are you..." He paused and Hyunjin could tell he was organizing his thoughts.

"You've lately." Changbin said carefully. "I was getting worried about you and then hearing that you had left to visit someone, particularly someone you haven't talked about, had me wondering." The two men could hear him take a deep breath. "Are you ok Hyun-ah?"

Hyunjin laughed. "I'm good hyung. I promise." His voice was relaxed and happy.

"Can I ask where you are?" His tone relaxed slightly but not completely.

"I'm in Sydney."

"You have a friend in Sydney? When did you meet them? Where did you meet them?" His shock was evident.

"It's not important Hyung."

"Who are they?"

Do you mind if I tell him a little? No. It's fine. I trust you. "His name is Felix."

"Felix." I like his voice. It's very soothing. Hyung is a very good man. You'd like him and he would definitely like you. "OK. Is he there? Can he hear this?"

"Yes." Felix answered softly. "I can hear you." You don't have to be shy with him. Changbin hyung is protective, he just wants to be sure I am ok. Felix smiled gently.

"I don't know what is going on with Hyunjin-ah but I just wanted to ask you to take care of him. He is important to us." Changbin asked.

"He is important to me too." Felix answered. "I wouldn't ever hurt him."

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