Chapter 21

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A/N I apologize for my absence on this story. I was working on a challenge fic with three other writers on AO3 and all of my other fics were on hold until I published it. It's done now though so we are back with our trio. As always this story is fiction and any resemblance to reality is always a coincidence or my being a fan. I only publish here and on AO3. Comments fuel my writing so if you like what you read, please let me know. If you wish to be alerted when I update or publish ANY of my stories please follow me on twitter at _eyes_wideshut I do have several story ideas. A minsung companion piece to this as well as an ABO verse story that is bouncing around in my head so it definitely is worth following. I am just wanting to finish Distant Dreams and Love is A Sneaky Bitch before I start another. Enjoy!

Chapter 21

Over the next couple weeks the trio talked to several other people through Felix though they didn't learn much. They hadn't found any other trios and there hadn't been any record of any romantic connected that ended their connection. It seems Changbin had been right, why would you ever stop needing the person you loved?

The courts were starting to recognize the connected as well. In a court case in Holland a connected had been allowed to testify to what they heard and saw even though not there in person. The court tested the connection first to verify it was real but in the end it wasn't labeled heresy and that was the important thing. Though neither South Korea nor Australia had any laws set up to help the connected yet, there were several in the States and in Mexico. In Great Britain and Canada laws had already been put through to give spousal-like privileges to romantic connected pairs. They didn't know why they hadn't heard of the connected before it happened to them but it appeared to be a growing issue to be tackled albeit quietly.

It seemed the amount of time connected could be apart varied. Felix had found one couple in America where they had started on separate ends of the country but they eventually moved to a new place for both of them. It only took 6 months to become a necessity for them but they had been able to have a weekend together every few weeks. That wasn't going to be the case for their trio.

Felix had a meeting with his supervisor who confirmed if he needed to move that his job could be done anywhere and his location didn't matter. She was incredibly understanding and kind to him which Felix very much appreciated though he gave no real details other than he may suddenly need to relocate to be closer to "family".

Felix felt like he needed to tell his parents as the more they looked into the situation the more apparent it became he would have to move. There were times he despaired at the changes in his life. He tried to actively block those thoughts when the others were paying attention but he couldn't always keep it out and they bled through. It became clear to the others in the group when Felix had those times because Changbin and Hyunjin would get sad themselves over forcing Felix into these changes.

They occasionally would have an errant thought that they would quit and come to him instead but it became clear quickly that those thoughts only upset Felix even more. While he was terrified of the changes coming, knowing that he had the potential to destroy not only their dreams but the group was something that was far worse to him. It would be destroying the dreams of not just his two connected but also of the whole group and all their fans. It was something Felix would never be able to forgive himself for if he allowed it to happen. He could never be that selfish.

Han started to notice when Felix was overwhelmed by the others' reactions and would often text him at the right moment to make Felix laugh. The two of them could often be found giggling and sending each other memes. Having whole conversations in meme. The two became fast friends and could often be found giggling over something. The others looked on the duo fondly and began calling them twins. When Felix would overhear one of the six say something like that about him and Han, it warmed his heart so much and made him feel even more loved and accepted by the group. {C- You are baby. You are loved and accepted by all of us. Even if the three of us weren't connected we would adore our sunshine.}

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