Chapter 18

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A/N Hello my lovelies! Here is chapter 18. I hope you enjoy. As always the comments you leave fuel my writing more than you will ever know and I thank you for them. This story is fiction, please treat it as such. I cross post here and on AO3. I am wrapping up Love is A Sneaky Bitch and am considering writing the Minsung companion piece to this telling the story of their connection. Let me know if you would be interested. For some reason my Minsung stories never get the love the other stories do. If you would like to be alerted when I update you can follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter. Have a great day!

Changbin woke up before Felix and Hyunjin and just watched the two sleeping. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have these two beautiful, intelligent and kind men wanting to be with him. Part of him wished that he had looked at Felix that first day too so that he could have had the time to get to know him as Hyunjin had. Yes he could hear Felix's thoughts now but he felt slightly out of step because he didn't know Lix like Hyunjin did. They hadn't had the time before they met to share their lives and thoughts. Felix knew him a bit through Hyunjin but he knew little of the tiny man. He could tell already that his heart was the purest and most loving place that existed but he wanted to know more.

Felix was curled against him, thigh thrown across his legs, hair standing on end and face relaxed in sleep. Changbin didn't think he had ever seen a more adorable sight. He looked over at Hyunjin. His Jinnie was curled to his other side, hand holding Felix's thigh and head resting on Changbin's shoulder. He was always amazed by how young Hyunjin looked when he was sleeping. When awake Hyunjin always had something of a wall up; not with his brothers but he was somewhat more reserved. He was quick to love and to trust but he also somewhat held himself apart in anticipation of being hurt. He had been hurt a lot but he kept it very quiet. Changbin was actually excited about his connection to Hyunjin, he knew he would understand and love the man even more with the additional input.

Hyunjin's eyes slid open and met his. {H- Good morning.} Hyunjin's thoughts, like his voice would be, were rough with sleep. {C- Good morning. How'd you sleep?} {H-Mmm. Great.} He thought with a smile and stretched a bit. {C- You're beautiful you know.} Hyunjin's smile grew. {H- So are you hyung.} Changbin went back over his thoughts of the morning and Hyunjin moved closer. {H- If you need time alone with Lix you can have it.} {C- Wouldn't that make you jealous?} Hyunjin did him the courtesy of thinking about it. {H- I don't think so. Besides, we will learn to live with any emotions. You deserve a chance to get to know Felix like I have. Why don't you take him on a date today?} Changbin's eyes lit up. {C- Really? That would be amazing Jinnie!} {H- All three of us have been monogamous till now. Now we are a poly couple so we need to learn how to have time individually and together. We all have relationships with each other that need to be nurtured and the first part of that is the two of you learning each other.}

{C- You are amazing, Hyunjinnie. I love you.} Hyunjin smiled sweetly. {H- I love you too hyung}. Hyunjin blushed. {C- What do you think Lix would like to do? I'd love to take him to the studio and show him what we do but I doubt he would like that or at least it wouldn't be as interesting to him as it is to me.} {H- Felix will love anything you want to show him. He feels best when he is making those around him happy. But if you want to do things with him that he likes, he loves beautiful things, he loves sweets and he loves gaming and music.}

Felix gave the cutest stretch and blinked his eyes open. "Morning." He said, his voice deeper than the ocean. Both men smiled at him.

"Good morning, sunshine." Changbin said. "How'd you sleep?"

"Mmm. Great." Felix answered sleepily. He kissed Changbin's pecs. He grinned at Hyunjin as well.

"I was thinking you and I could go out today and I could show you around. Would you like that?"

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