Chapter 1

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This is something that has been swimming in my head for a year, very very loosely inspired by Sense8. I'm giving a hand at writing it. This is a test chapter, let me know if you want me to continue it and are actually interested in it. I have a few surprises in mind but didn't want to put it in the tags because I don't want it to be obvious until it happens. However trigger warnings will be given at the beginning of the chapters and added to the tags at those times. Seriously let me know if I should continue this or not.

This story is fiction. Feedback is incredibly important to me and I read every comment repeatedly. If you want to be alerted when I update, you can follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter to be alerted. This and all my other stories are only posted here and on AO3 so please alert me if you see it posted elsewhere. Thank you!

Chapter 1

{F- these thoughts are Felix's}

{H- these thoughts are Hyunjin's}

Felix circled the parking lot again looking for an available space and again finding none. Of course today would be the day he needed to go pick up a gift, just when it was slammed and there was some sort of an event going on. He finally found one and began the long hike in the hot sun to the entrance. Dressed in black jeans and a baggy white t-shirt and his docs at least he would be comfortable on the trek in. Felix pushed his bangs out of his eyes and checked his watch for the time. It was both a blessing and a curse for it to be Saturday. He had time to find the perfect gift without having to run back to work but he also had to deal with the crowds. A black SUV pulled up to the doors and there was a crowd surrounding it immediately.

Felix looked curiously but being shorter and further away he couldn't see anything. He shrugged and headed inside. He shopped around at a couple stores but couldn't find anything to give his boyfriend on their six month anniversary. He honestly had no clue what to give Jacob. They had been together for almost a year but only official for six months and Felix wasn't feeling as strong of a connection as he had imagined he would. He resolved to get a tea and then look some more. He was looking down at his phone for ideas when someone slammed into him. He was spun around by the hit.

"Oi, watch where yer going mate." He said to the middle aged man and then looked up and met a pair of brown eyes behind the man and the world went black.

Hyunjin sighed as they made the turn off to the mall. They were going to do a signing at the mall which seemed weird to him but apparently that was a more feasible way of doing things in Sydney then it would be back home. He wasn't necessarily looking forward to it. He loved spending time with Stay, their fans, but dealing with the inevitable crowds was never fun. He glanced over to see Jisung's legs jittering rapidly. He watched Minho reach over and touch it gently and Jisung immediately settled. It made Hyunjin smile a bit wistfully. He had often wished for a bond like they had. They knew each other so well it was as if they could read each other's minds. It made him happy they had that bond but he couldn't deny his jealousy.

They pulled up at the entrance and Chan led the way out of the cars and they were immediately surrounded with paparazzi and fans. They were ushered inside and away from the crowds down back hallways. They were led to where they were to do the signing and took their seats. The first group was led to them and Hyunjin put aside his thoughts and smiled at the Stays waiting for them.

After three hours of signing autographs, his hand was throbbing and he stood, exhaustion making his eyes feel hot and itchy and his shoulders ached with tension. They decided to grab food at the food court before heading back to their hotel. He was walking with Jeongin and laughing with his little brother when he heard someone loudly telling someone else to watch where they were going in a deep and heavily accented voice that was quite sexy. He turned to look and a man moved slightly and his eyes met a pair of beautiful brown eyes and the world went dark.

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