"It doesn't change the fact that you love her too," I force the words out. It's time we have this talk, and it's better we do it now before the wedding.

"She's a great woman with a beautiful heart..." He shrugs. "And I deluded myself for a while thinking that we could be more. It wasn't until you left that I realized she was in love with you."

"God..." I take a seat in a chair near my bed, forcing myself to keep my eyes on him.

"It doesn't mean I want her," Max keeps saying. "Do you really think I'd get her involved in all of this if I wanted to be with her?"

My eyes narrow. "So, why did you do it?"

"She was the only way you'd say yes to all of this." He shrugs, and I shake my head, confused.

"What do you mean?" I scoff. "You're saying you used her–"

"I'm saying you both love each other." He cuts me off. "I didn't force her to say yes, and you could've always said no to coming home."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

He sighs. "I see you're having second thoughts about the wedding, and I can't say I understand what's going on with Emma right now. I just..."


"I know something is not adding up, but she loves you, Ash." He gives me a small smile. "When I went to her place earlier today, she was devastated."

"Fuck." I look away, my heart squeezing in my chest.

"You guys should talk..."

"But that's the thing." I stand up abruptly, feeling the walls of my room closing up on me. "No matter how hard I try, she won't talk to me."

"Give her some time." He nods. "Maybe you can try to talk to her again after the wedding."

"I'll think about it..." I walk to him and squeeze his shoulder. "Thanks for everything."

He squeezes my hand. "Are we good?"

"We are," I say, and he nods before leaving the room. 

Of all the people in the world, Emma was the one I thought I could trust blindly. Yet, she pretty much confessed she's hiding something that probably involves her father and some dirty schemes he's involved with. 

Grabbing my phone, my fingers hover over her name for a moment, but I just can't seem to be able to press the call button.


I'm a mess.

As I stand at the altar waiting for Emma, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. Apart from a few texts to align some last-minute things, we didn't talk at all today. Something I deeply regret now. Damn, I should've reached out and talked to her.  Shaking my head, I feel a pang of regret settle in my chest.

I don't know how we got to this point in our relationship. It feels like everything happened too fast and we didn't have time to process the series of events that led us here.

I just know that I never imagined marrying Emma this way. Not when my last words to her involved us taking a break. How the hell do you marry someone like this?

My mind is filled with doubts, fears, and insecurities. It's as if everything that could go wrong is running through my head at full speed. Is this what she wants? Is she doing this only out of obligation?


Glancing around the room, I take in the beautiful decorations and the expectant faces of our friends, family, and business acquaintances. They all seem so happy and I can't shake this feeling of being completely lost.

The wedding march begins to play, and a collective hush falls over the room. Nervous anticipation coils in the pit of my stomach and I take a couple of deep breaths, trying to put myself together.

The doors of the church part slowly, and a wave of emotions hits me all at once. There's a distinct feeling of awe and excitement running through me like I'm witnessing a scene from a movie. 

It feels like an eternity, but then time seems to stand still as Emma makes her entrance, looking absolutely stunning.

The moment my eyes catch sight of Emma, everything else fades away. And God, I've never felt so alive in my life. Dressed in an elegant gown that enhances every curve, she moves with a grace that steals my breath away.

She's breathtaking. So beautiful it hurts to look at her.

The soft glow of the church's light bathes her in a warm radiance, turning her into a vision that seems almost unreal.

My breath catches in my throat as she approaches the altar. I register her father by her side, but soon she's the only thing I can see. 




For as long as I live, I'll never forget the sight of her right now.

"You're so beautiful," I whisper, unable to look away.

"We're getting married, Ash..." Her lips curl into a sweet smile.

"We are," I say, holding the urge to press my lips to her.

Her hands find mine as if by instinct and warmth envelops me. God,  I'll never love another woman as deeply as I love her. Never.

Her eyes mirror the same sense of love as mine, but a subtle undercurrent of pain ripples beneath the surface. I try to come up with something to say, something to do so I can erase it away, but I can't.

In a second, her father claps my shoulder, a symbolic gesture of approval. I shake his hand absently, and reality crashes back as I realize this union is not just about love—it's a carefully orchestrated business deal.

As the ceremony begins, my heart pounds in my chest, drowning out the priest's words.

The world around me fades into a distant murmur, and the vibrant colors of the ceremony blend together into a dreamlike haze of white and gold. All my senses are overwhelmed, and it feels as if time has slowed down.

Feeling her eyes on me, I turn to her just in time to see a single tear glistening on her cheek. A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow hard. The love I feel for her is undeniable, but the shadows between us feel like an intruder on what was supposed to be the best days of our lives.

I'm marrying the woman of my life and I hate that I wish things were different right now.


A/N: My heart is hurting! What a bittersweet moment, right? *sighs*

Are you guys hanging in there? A new chapter is about to start for Emma and Asher where they'll have to fight for their love so they can truly be together.

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