Chapter 28: Her

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"I still search
for you in crowds,
in empty fields
and soaring clouds.

In city lights
and passing cars,
on winding roads
and wishing stars.

I wonder where
you could be now,
for years I've not said
your name out loud.

And longer since
I called you mine
time has passed
for you and I.

But I have learnt
to live without,
I do not mindㅡ
I still love you anyhow."

- Lang Leav

"My granddaughter!" Mrs

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"My granddaughter!" Mrs. Lee shouted with joy when she saw a familiar person through the window. Walking quickly from the living room towards the main door, she opened it, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ms. Lee!" Sumi exclaimed, opening her arms for the old woman to embrace her.
"I missed you."

"I miss you too, honey. Get undressed, and I will make us some tea." Mrs. Lee announced pleasantly as she rushed to the kitchen.

At this time, Sumi took off her jacket, and shoes then walked towards the humming voice. She watched as the woman gently lifted the kettle pouring water into the mugs.

"What kind of tea is it?" Sumi asked curiously, leaning on the counter.

"I made us green tea. Among other things, it supports metabolism, and lowers sugar levels." Mrs. Lee announced, sending her a wink before handing her a hot mug.

"I am honestly surprised Donghyuck did not run home after you." The old woman smirked, moving towards the living room. "He is a rebel, and rarely listens. I could almost say I expected him." She laughed.

"I must admit that he had this ideaㅡ" Sumi joined her laughter. "But I told him to go to class. It is better if he is polite, not causing any problems."

Mrs. Lee laughed heartily as she sat down on the couch with Sumi. "I guess you missed me a lot?" Sumi gave the old woman a mischievous smile making her laugh louder. The girl loved the atmosphere in Donghyuck's houseㅡ especially his grandmother. She felt so comfortable around her that she could tell her anything. And now? They sat like two good friends, talking, joking, and gossiping over tea.

"Yes, I did, but I think someone in this house missed you more." The old woman took a sip of her tea, looking at Sumi with sparkles in her eyes. "He talks about you constantly."

Sumi gave her a nice smile, exposing her hidden dimples.

"Sometimes I get fed up, and just tell him to shut up." Mrs. Lee smacked her lips in disapproval, causing Sumi to burst out laughing.

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