Chapter 1: The colder one

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"To be in love
Is to touch with a lighter hand.
In yourself you stretch,
you are well."

- Gwendolyn Brooks

Feeling that she had completely ruined the atmosphere between the two of them, Sumi got up from the bed, pinning her hair up with a hair clip

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Feeling that she had completely ruined the atmosphere between the two of them, Sumi got up from the bed, pinning her hair up with a hair clip.

"You know what?" She walked to the closet to take a zip-up sweatshirt out, and put it over her shoulders. "I feel like going for a walk."

Dohee got out of bed, and followed the girl to the door. "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No. No, I want to go alone, I am sorry. I want to clear my head a bit. If you want, stay downstairs, and talk to my parents. If notㅡ you can go home. It is your choice."

"It is already dark outside and it is raining. I do not want you walking alone at this hour."

"I can do it, Hee. Thank you for coming to visit me today." Sumi gave him a quick smile, and a light kiss on the cheek, then ran down the stairs straight to the front door. Closing the door behind her, she ignored her mother's callsㅡ who would probably mind the girl walking at night.

She zipped her sweatshirt up, hugging her arms afterwards as she felt a slight chill on her skin.  Raindrops fell to the ground, creating larger, and larger puddles, and the girl smiled at the sight. She wanted to go all out, jumping in every puddle she found, but her sneakers would be soaked, probably getting her sick the next day.

Walking around the neighborhood, she admired her neighbors' well-kept gardens, and trimmedㅡ decorative bushes. She looked at the signs saying 'beware of the dog', looking to see, if there was actually an animal hiding somewhereㅡ on the other side of the fence. Sumi had the impression of already passing at least twenty benches along the way, and she was still walking the straight path that led down the street. She was one of those people who lived on the hill of the street. Is it better for her? Not really. Not, if you have a bikeㅡit is a nightmare to ride up such a hill. What a pity.

As Sumi was walking about ten minutes down the street, she saw colored lights in the distance, only meaning one thingㅡ she had arrived at a convenience store. Her eyes twinkled at the sight of shelter from the rain, thinking she would feel warm immediately. By the way, Sumi could buy snacks, and eat ramen at the place to warm up her insides.

The girl was fed up with constant thoughts about her boyfriend, parents.  Nothing was ever right for both of them, and Sumi felt like she was locked in a cage. The only time she could be completely herself was with her friends, plus when she was alone in her room, or on a walk as in this case.

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