"As ready as you are brother." Chad replied to Linux.

   "You take the head, I'll take the heart." They proceeded to corner her even further into the tree, letting their grips on her head tighten.

   I pounced from out behind the tree and took Chad to the ground. His body fidgeting underneath me.

   "What the hell is this!" Chad grumbled.

   Linux breathed, "Diana who have you contacted, you little--"

   I let out a harsh growl that sounded more like it came from a bear than a wolf. The loud thunder soaring through the trees, making the crows fly up and out along with they're annoying shriek. One of the black feathered demons swooped down on the imposing act and latched onto a tree branch. It's beady eyes staring at me in expectance.

   I don't know what it is about this type of bird, but it is said that they appear whenever death is about to come. The offspring of the night with they're menacing voice, their black wings that blend into the night, and haunting eyes. They circle and watch as a life is being taken and then when the deed is done they pack up their things and head off. Circling up above to ward off any creatures who dare intervene with deaths plan.

   I start to charge at Linux causing both of the brothers to growl. Before I could comprehend what was happening the brothers started to shift into something. Something not even I have seen before. It was ugly, thats for sure. Their body's were covered in a sheer black color and their teeth as sharp as a sabertooth tigers, while their eyes--even the white part -- were blood red. There physic was so brooding that both animals towered over me, but I did not back down.

  All three of us spring into action and circle one another. Meeting each others eyes in the process, seizing each other up, sensing their weakness's and strengths, their control and unstableness, toying with each others emotions by letting out a deep snarl, testing who will back down or move first. I stop when I reach in front of the mysterious girl protecting her with my body.

   Chad and Linux, didn't like this.

   I strove to sink my canines into the side of Chad's jugular, missing as his own set of teeth pared mine, my lip becoming scratched in the process. My own salty blood seeped through to my tongue and the bitter taste was enough to blind me by rage. In my heat to destroy, I miscalculated Linux's actions--from behind me--and ended up slashing his shoulder with my own. The hard end shattering my bone. But I was not one to give up. I strived to be on top, the quality of mercy was far gone in my mind, only the merciful are the ones to fall and I will not be merciful to these things. I rushed over to Chad's neck--when Linux was distracted--and when he thought I would bit down on his flesh, again, I rolled under his feet and took him up off the floor and slammed his body to the ground. I jump on top of him and sank my teeth into his front arm. Jerking my head side to side in an attempt to break the limb. Linux let out a sorrowful howl as his brother lay defenseless under me.

   Linux sprang upon my back biting hard into my coat and slobbering all over it. His furious canines never giving out, even if it pained him to keep moving forward. He all about exceeded in getting me to bow down, when I rammed him into a tree snarling with the fact that I had almost been tricked. Linux quivered as he watched me circle his helpless brother, trying to walk. The utter failure of his attempt was enough to have my wolf howling with laughter. Feeling for his helplessness, I put the poor creature out of his misery by kicking--like a hoarse--my two back legs up and jerking his head to the side. The sound of  bones snapping filled the air. Chad's lifeless body sinking into the ground in front of me, his limbs a tangle on the ground.

   I herd a small croak come from the crow behind me.

   Linux outraged by his brothers death, tried to rush forward and revive him. I put a stop to that right then and there. And just as Linux caught a sliver of hope I ripped it from his grasp and tasted the cool liquid seeping through my teeth once again. Linux falls to the ground, side-by-side with his brother, his jugular snapped and his head cracked. I fall to my paws and shift back into my human form. Blood staining my clothing.

   "Are--are you--a-alright?" I wheezed.

   "I'm fine but it should be me asking you that. I m-mean you just saved me. You killed--" she trailed off.

   "I know, but it had to be done."

   "Thank you. I-I don't know what they would have done to me. And I most certainly did not want to die. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" She sputtered.

   "Think nothing of it." I waved her off and smiled at her, as she eyed my clothing.

   "You should get cleaned up and what about these bodies?" She said worried.

   "I'll take care of everything. You should head back home and tell your peers what happened. Just leave me out if it, please."

   "Then how am I to tell how I got away from the two of them?" She questioned.

   "Say they fought over which one of them got the right to kill you and they killed each other in the process."

   "I...ok." She said defeated. "I must go now. Thank you, again." She added and turned to walk off.

   "Your welcome." We meet eyes and she smiled at me. An actual genuine smile.

   I haven't gotten one of those my whole life. I thought.

   "Hey!" I called after her, she turned around to face me. "How many of these guys are there?"

   "Maybe hundreds." She estimated thoughtfully, "Why?"

   "Oh, just wondering." I giggled.

   The girl thought for a moment, pondering my words. "If you were to go around killing people like them, I would say, go for it. The world could use someone strong like you."

   "I think I might take you up on that." I winked.

   And as she walked away and disappeared from my sight, I went to clearing out the bodies. Burying them in the ground like I had done with Page. 

   As I exited the premises, I herd the flutter of wings and turned to look at what it was. It was the crow. He flapped his wings and carried himself up into the air and circled up above. It was time for death to take its corse because the crows job was done.


Yay another update!!!!

P.S. I know its short!!! I'm sorry.

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