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The Wayangankar business empire was built by late Mr. Raman Wayangankar, Tejasswi's great grandfather and Jayant's father. He was good at what he did and made a huge fortune before he passed it on to Jayant. Jayant meanwhile used the money and power to his advantage, misusing it to conduct every possible evil there is.

Jayant's unapologetic selfishness and shrewd mind made him a brilliant businessman; a cruel one... but brilliant still. He was the one who grew Wayangankar industries into the business giant it is today. His only son, Prakash, never showed any interest in following his footsteps and so, never inherited the family business. Jayant had thought it impossible to have another Wayangankar with business blood in their veins since, but Tejasswi proved him wrong. She was a sharp kid and a quick learner. She was the only one who showed interest in this front and had a natural eye for successful deals.

And this was exactly why Jayant wanted to do everything in his power to train Tejasswi to be the next heir- a female version of himself. He taught her every lesson, the hardest way. Never caring that she was still just a child. A barely ten-year-old Tejasswi was taken more often to his business meetings along with him, than to children's parks or the cinemas. Her teenager self was forced to give up the one thing she loved doing the most - dancing, and was instead asked to formulate plans for his business deals, which if failed, she'd have to bear the full responsibility and so, the punishment that comes with it. Her childhood was mercilessly stripped off from her and while kids her age had fun in life, she was surrounded with deals and plans and strategies and numbers and profits and failures.

By the time she was a college graduate, she was also a true businesswoman in every sense. She had become as important and vital a part of the Wayangankar industries, as Jayant was. It was after the death of Kanika Wayangankar, Jayant's wife and Tejasswi's grandmother, he finally left home for good. But then, Wayangankar industries was split in two, each halves managed and owned by Jayant and Tejasswi respectively. Since both portions were still known under the same name, a case was filed to decide who gets to keep the name.

"...And here is the last file" Tejasswi
locked everything in a small briefcase, all set for the final hearing of the Wayangankar brand name. It had been three months since Karan's birthday and he was all fine now. Back to work. Back to taunting everyone around himself. Back to scheming for breaking Kaushik's
engagement. In short, life was normal.

"Teja..." Tejasswi turned hearing her
father, Prakash Wayangankar. She gave him a small smile "Come in Papa, I was just leaving for the hearing."

"I know... " he said with a small, sad smile "You know, though I and your grandfather might have differences between us, I never wished for you to fight against him. You both are Wayangankars, whosoever would lose this name today, would be wronged."

Tejasswi sighed, wishing her father knew what exactly Jayant has done to this family. She wished she could completely open up but it would break her father's heart. He only knew bits of the torture that Tejasswi had to go through and he still somewhere hoped that his daughter and his father could mend that bond someday.

Still, she didn't rebuke, just softly held his arm "Papa, you know him. His ways. He had maligned Wayangankar name a lot. I swear, for you I would have left it but this name, this brand. It is my great grandfather's legacy. His legacy deserves better."

"Hmmm.." was all he responded. His heart just doesn't like his daughter going
against his father. Blood against blood. He believed there's nothing worse.

Tejasswi shook her head "Please, Papa. Don't be upset. This is something I and my company worked a lot over. We deserve our name."

"I know" Prakash gave a small smile "So,
is everything prepared?"

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