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"Can you freakin' believe it ? He kissed me !" , Tejasswi wondered aloud , the tone of exaggeration in her voice. She was sitting in her bedroom , late that night discussing the days' happenings with Lavanya and Pratik. It has been a pretty momentous day , all thanks to Karan Kundrra. Lavanya wanted to leave as soon as they left the hotel, but Tejasswi requested her to come home and stay for sometime as she felt her head might explode after all that melodrama. The only two people Tejasswi shared her every single detail of life was Lavanya and Pratik, other than Kaushik , of course.

"Yes , Teju. We can believe it. He kissed you infront of me." , Lavanya said with an obvious tone. She shook her head at Tejasswi's laptop in which Pratik was FaceTiming , giving him a look that clearly said "I'm sorry, but your sister has lost it"

"Stop joking , Lavii. He freaking kissed me infront of everyone including Kaushik" , Tejasswi sat holding her head in her hands for a moment while Lavanya repeated her question "Teju , I still don't get it. Are you offended because he kissed you or because it was infront of Kaushik " , earning a glare from her best friend.

"I'm with Lavanya on this one , Teju. You seriously needs to decide what you are actually offended about." , Pratik said. He genuinely was worried about his sister but he was more curious about what was actually happening. He knew his sister very well and he was sure they would've been discussing about how hard the slap was , if any other guy had kissed his sister without her permission.
                                 When he called his sister to know about how the family meet went, he truly hadn't expected it to end up like this. He was well aware of the admiration , respect and love she had for Karan Kundrra. But there was no way she let someone do that to her and not tear the guy into pieces.

"I'm offended about his entire existence. That's what I'm offended about !! He's so mean, arrogant, manipulative , selfish and disrespectful. Didn't you see the way he behaved with Kaushik's family ? He was soo blatant with his insults. Kaushik loves him so much but he clearly doesn't have an ounce of respect back. God , I can't believe I idolized that guy for years. He's such a jerk. I hate him , I absolutely hate the guy." , Tejasswi almost spitted her last words out.

"I think you're overdoing it , Teju. From what I heard, it was a kiss on your cheeks. It's not like he French kissed you or something." , Pratik threw a bate to get her to open up.

"Are you kidding me ? It wasn't any cheek kiss. That kiss was.... was..." as Tejasswi searched for words , Lavanya interrupted "Hot ?"

Tejasswi have her an impossible look. "Hey , don't try to deny that was hot. I don't like Karan either but that kiss was sexy. I got second hand goosebumps myself. If he wasn't Kaushik's brother, I myself would've tried a chance" , Lavanya said with a pained smile that nobody noticed.

"Shut up , Lavii !! Have you lost it ?" Tejasswi admonished , especially pissed at her last line. Why ? Because she doesn't want her best friend who's more like a sister to be with someone as bad as him. Yes , that was the only reason ! Right , Tejasswi !!!

"Pls , let's not talk about him anymore. I'm so done." , Tejasswi declared . "Seriously , Teju ?? YOU are done ?? You've been talking about him for the past one hour and you've been saying you don't wanna talk about him for the past 3 hours. If you don't get it together by tomorrow morning , just forget that you have a best friend with hearing ability ,living next door." , Lavanya rolled her eyes.

"I agree, Teju. Your boyfriend proposed you today and you're engaged now. But instead of being excited about that , you've been just talking about Karan Kundrra for the past few hours." , Pratik calmly said, "You say you hate him but you need to decide if your hate for Karan is deeper than your love for Kaushik. Because in this case it seems that , hate dominates love."

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