Chapter XIII

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Malachi sat quietly in Timothy's office. The photos he discovered scattered around on the desk as he waited patiently for the beta to arrive. His rage barely contained as he stared at the door. Timothy was more dangerous and deranged than the alpha originally thought.

The alpha didn't have to wait much longer as the handle to the office door turned and Professor Timothy Carson froze at the sight of the alpha in his chair. Glaring at him with enough venom to kill an army of elephants.

"Get in and close the fucking door." Malachi commanded, releasing his pheromones that were raging so strongly the beta didn't dare object and did as he was told.

Timothy stood in silent fear and confusion at Malachi before he saw what was all over his desk. The beta's eyes widened at the photographs but he couldn't feel anger as the feeling of dread washed over him.

The man knew he fucked up.

His secret obsession was discovered by the last person he expected to see.

Malachi stood, still glaring at the frozen beta who had yet to say a word.

"I came here with the intention of scaring you a bit, maybe roughen you up a little," Malachi started, his voice deep with anger, as he approached the professor, "I had you looked into and saw that you're a serial cheater and thought to myself, this is too easy, I'll just threaten to expose you to your sweet Isabel, that should keep you away from Landon. A pussy like you only cares about reputation since you've blackmailed all your other lovers into silence."

Malachi stood directly in front of Timothy who avoided eye contact.

"Then I found your little photography collection, your obsession with my omega." the alpha said.

Timothy remained quiet. His body trembled with fear.

Malachi held up the photo of Timothy and Landon.

"Did you try to assault Landon on this day?" Malachi asked darkly.

Timothy glanced at the photo for a second and opened his mouth to decline when Malachi wrapped his hand around the beta's throat roughly, shoving his body against the door as he squeezed the man's neck tightly.

Timothy dropped everything he was holding to grab onto Malachi's arm that pinned him. A headache creeping up at his head aggressively hit the door.

"Lie to me, I dare you." Malachi said, watching Timothy squirm and gasp for air, "I'll crush your throat where you stand."

The beta gritted his teeth defiantly as he made eye contact with the alpha instantly regretting it as the fear he felt before seemed to amplify tenfold. The beta wasn't sure if he was looking at a man or a demon.

"It looks like you were gonna try and finish the job." Malachi said, referring to the photo that was taken outside of Landon's apartment.

There was no reason for the beta to be anywhere near Landon's home unless he was planning on attempting to go after the omega again. The beta wasn't expecting Malachi to show up unexpectedly at Landon's apartment.

A sudden realization hit Malachi as he thought about the day he went to Landon's apartment. The man who was calling random apartments had a camera bag. He was about the same height as the beta and was acting very suspicious. The photo was taken shortly after the suspicious man left.

Malachi felt himself losing control the longer he thought about it as he continued to tighten his grip on the beta's neck. The alpha watched as Timothy gasped for air, trying to get out of Malachi's death grip. Timothy's eyes slowly rolled back and Malachi squeezed harder as tears fell down the beta's beet red face and saliva dribbled from his open mouth until a buzzing in his suit pocket made him freeze.

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