Chapter VII

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Landon and Malachi sat in the back of the Escalade while Charlie drove them to Landon's university. It was pushing 3 o'clock in the afternoon when they pulled up to the building the omega worked at on campus.

Landon ended up being late due to his continuous shower activities that eventually led to his bedroom and back to the shower.

The omega complained about how it was Malachi's fault for making him late when it was actually the omega who had barely any self-control when it came to Malachi.

Malachi was convinced the omega had to be an incubus or something. His sex drive was off the charts.

"I'm picking you up at 8." Malachi told Landon as he got out of the car.

"See you then." Landon said with a cute smile that actually made the alpha's heart skip a beat.

Landon Dominique had no idea he was the cause of such discord within the alpha.

One side of Malachi wanted to treat the omega like every other person he's bedded and another side of him, which the alpha didn't even know existed, wanted to be with Landon and protect him and make sure he was always happy.

Malachi wanted to see Landon smile cutely at him all the time.

At first, Malachi thought he was just into the sex, which he is.

But after seeing Landon cry the way he did the night before, the vulnerability and fragility the omega showed Malachi had him caring for the omega. He cared that Landon was upset enough to cry, the alpha wanted Landon to tell him his problem so Malachi could help him. He wanted to be there for the omega.

Anyone who knew Malachi knew he didn't fall in love quickly. Malachi Von Aston was a taker. He wanted sex so he took it, he fucked for his own satisfaction. Once Malachi came it was over unless he said it wasn't. Everything he did was for his own satisfaction. The alpha always held the gun and called the shots, no one else.

Until Landon took the gun.

"What do you think of Landon?" Malachi asked Charlie.

The blonde man glanced at the alpha in the rearview mirror for a moment before looking back at the road and said. "Do you want my honest opinion as a friend or your assistant?"

"Both." Malachi responded, waiting for what the beta was going to say next.

"As your assistant you should go for those closer to you in wealth. He doesn't know who you are but one internet search and he'll know, he could plan to use you." Charlie said.

Malachi raised a brow at him, "And as my friend?"

Charlie shrugged his shoulder, "You're just as much of a playboy as your brother. I just think you might be interested in him because he's an omega. You never slept with an omega before so he's new and different. I'm honestly more worried about you hurting him in the end rather than him hurting you."

Malachi's eyes twitched at the response. While Charlie wasn't wrong Malachi didn't like that he was right.

The alpha has had serious relationships before, enough to count on one hand. All those relationships ended badly in one way or another. Because of those failed attempts at love Malachi started his crusade of one-night stands and ultimately became a playboy that pumped and dumped his temporary lovers.

It was difficult to love someone who had ulterior motives.

Landon was a graduate student and an omega. Malachi was an alpha and businessman, the heir to a near billion dollar company.

The likelihood of them actually running into each other outside of Black Ice was slim to none. Landon and Malachi ran in different social circles. In all honesty, Landon was the type of omega rich men kept on the side while they pursued someone on their level.

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