Chapter VI

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Landon couldn't find it in himself to feel mortified or embarrassed in front of Malachi.

The omega sat on the couch in the living room staring at the small tv. He had no idea what was happening, he was watching the screen but not seeing anything as his mind ran a mile a minute.

The sounds of sizzling in the kitchen had him glancing towards the archway that led to the small space. Malachi had his back to Landon as he cooked something with whatever ingredients he could find in the omega's tiny kitchen.

Landon had finally calmed down after his mental breakdown. Malachi had hugged him and told him everything was okay and he was safe earlier which helped calm the omega.

Landon sighed as he thought about how he broke down in Malachi's arms. He couldn't pull himself together as the events of what Timothy tried to do to him played through his head like a bad film. He felt disgusted and tired.

Landon stood from the couch and made his way to the archway that led into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Landon said to Malachi who stopped what he was doing for a second to stare at the omega.

"Take your time." He said gently before going back to what he was doing.

Malachi wanted to know what happened and why Landon was so upset. The omega could see it in the alpha's expression but the man didn't ask any questions which Landon appreciated.

Landon went into his bedroom and closed the door behind him before peeling off his clothes. He couldn't stand to keep the clothes that Timothy tainted and threw them into the trash.

Even while Malachi held him and Landon was breathing in the alpha's comforting scent he could still smell traces of Timothy's cologne mixed in.

Landon went into the en suite bathroom and switched on the lights. He stared at himself in the mirror. He looked horrible. His hair was a mess, his eyes were puffy and pink and his nose looked like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Just an overall mess.

Landon stepped into the shower not bothering to warm it up as he shivered at the cold water that rained down on him. The omega stood there letting the water slowly warm up before he began to scrub at his skin with soap and water like he had a layer of thick stubborn grime coating his body.

The omega hated how he was feeling, the feeling of helplessness. The longer he thought about Timothy the angrier it made him.

Stepping out the shower Landon dried himself off with a towel before quickly rubbing the towel over his hair. He went into his room changing into a comfortable pair of sweats and a plain tee shirt not even bothering to wear underwear. He kept the towel hanging around his shoulder to catch the drops of water that were still falling from his hair.

He left his room and was greeted with the warm scent of cheese and bacon. He went into the kitchen and watched as Malachi took out a clean plate from the dishwasher and put a bacon grilled cheese sandwich on the plate. He cut the sandwich into two triangle halves before turning to face Landon.

"You didn't really have a lot to work with." Malachi said, looking a bit embarrassed as he handed Landon the plate. His usually cocky grin a nervous smile.

"Thank you." Landon said, taking the plate and picking up one half of the sandwich. "You're not going to eat?" he asked quietly.

"Nah, it's fine." Malachi said, rolling down the sleeves of his button down shirt.

Landon held onto his half of the sandwich and handed the plate with the other half to Malachi. At first the alpha shook his head but Landon persisted and he gave in. They both stood in the kitchen quietly eating their halves of the grilled cheese sandwich.

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