Chapter -24

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- Your Pov -

"Hey Hye, have you managed to get in touch with Hae? She hasn't been answering my calls or responding to my messages," Hanni inquired, casting a concerned glance at Hyein, who shook her head.

"I messaged her yesterday, but it only got delivered. She hasn't read my message. Perhaps she's feeling unwell or something," Hyein shared, prompting a sigh from Hanni. "She's not the type to ignore calls," Hanni added, running her hand through her hair.

"Maybe we should pay her a visit," I suggested, and they turned their attention to me, nodding in agreement. "Perhaps she's really unwell or facing some issues," Hanni speculated as we collectively decided to check on Haerin.

"Hello, everyone!" Minji's voice suddenly rang out, and we looked up to find her approaching. "Hey," I greeted, and she planted a kiss on my cheek before taking a seat beside me. "Where's Kang Haerin?" Minji inquired, noticing her absence.

"She didn't show up today. Probably not feeling well," I informed Minji, who nodded in understanding.

"We were thinking of visiting her. Would you like to come along?" Hanni asked Minji, who readily agreed, stating, "Since Y/n is going, I have to come anyway." Minji reached for my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"And Dani? Any idea where she is?" Hyein questioned, directing her gaze toward us. "Not sure. I was under the weather yesterday," I replied with a sigh, turning to Minji.

"She mentioned having something important to do, so she won't be here today. Anyway, let's shift our focus. What actually happened to Hae? She didn't respond to my message yesterday," Minji redirected the conversation.

- Kim Minji's Pov -

"Okay, you guys can go inside, and I'll find a suitable spot to park my car," I suggested, and the others agreed, exiting the car while I navigated through the parking area.

After parking, I stepped out, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. "Time to join them inside," I murmured, heading towards Haerin's house.

Approaching the group gathered by the door, I proposed, "Why don't you guys head inside?" Hanni, seemingly frustrated, responded, "It's locked. Hae isn't home," pointing out the obvious situation.

"Where could she have gone without letting us know?" Hyein pondered aloud. "I don't know. She's not responding to our messages or calls. What if something bad happened to her?" Hanni expressed her concerns, eyes widening with worry.

"Hey, let's not be overly dramatic," I interjected, rolling my eyes. "If there's a spare key around, let's use it and check if she's in trouble or not," I suggested. Everyone agreed, and we started searching for the key.

"Found it!" Hyein exclaimed, discovering a key under a small tree's top. "Alright, hand it over," Hanni said, taking the key and unlocking the door, leading the way inside.

"Uh... I don't know why, but I'm feeling a bit uneasy," Hyein confessed. "Let's head inside. No problem; we're all here together," Y/n reassured, taking the lead into the house. Hyein and I followed suit.

"Everything seems normal, guys!" Hanni's voice echoed from the living room. "This is just Hae's well-organized place!" she exclaimed, and upon closer inspection, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Alright, it's probably best if we leave now. Haerin wouldn't appreciate us rummaging through her house without her knowing," Hyein suggested, and we all nodded in agreement.

"Before we go, let's just take a quick look around. You never know, we might find something important," I proposed, and the others agreed, dispersing to different parts of the house.

I made my way to Haerin's room, noticing the dim lighting and a faint, peculiar smell. Turning on the lights, I whispered, "Nothing suspicious," as I surveyed the room. Papers, assignments, and university materials cluttered her desk, prompting a teasing comment, "Nerd."

However, my attention was diverted to a diary. "Ah, could this be Hae's diary? Haha... should I take a little peek?" I contemplated, unable to resist the temptation. Flipping it open to a random page, I discovered,

-'I find myself becoming increasingly obsessed each day... I can't bear the thought of living without you... but why don't you love me the way you love her? It infuriates me... but no. I won't relent; I'm willing to go to any lengths to make you exclusively mine, even if I have to eliminate anyone standing in our way.'-

"What the..." I blinked, surprised by the unexpected revelation. "I probably shouldn't be reading this. It might contain her personal thoughts or secrets. Whatever it is, it's not my business," I thought, closing the diary and placing it back where I found it.

With a sigh, I took another moment to glance around the room before exiting.

A/n : Will something happen to Haerin - yes or no?

And Give me some ideas, please, please.

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