Chapter -21

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- Your Pov -

In the passenger seat of Minji's car, I couldn't shake the lingering pain from the intensity of our encounter the night before. As we drove home, Minji's tough approach left my entire body in discomfort, and her unsettling behavior and words echoed in my mind.

Minji and Danielle joined me in the car, and the journey home was shrouded in a heavy silence. Exiting the elevator on our floor, Minji hastened her steps, leaving Danielle and me a bit behind.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Danielle inquired, her gaze fixed on me. I forced a nod, though the pain was undeniable. "Oh... if you need anything, you can ask for my help!" Danielle offered with a warm smile, and I acknowledged her kindness.

Once inside our apartment, I sighed, noticing my phone's low battery. Intent on charging it, a surprise awaited me - 31 missed calls and 14 messages from my brother.

"Huh?" I mused, curious about the sudden flurry of communication. "Did something happen?" I wondered, contemplating checking the messages.

"Y/n!?" Minji's voice called me, and I turned, sighing. "Coming!" I replied, leaving the unanswered messages for later as I headed to discover why Minji was calling me.

- Kim Minji's Pov -

I sighed, glaring at Mr. Lim. "Can't you just handle this!?" I snapped, frustration evident in my tone. "And I explicitly instructed you to keep a close watch on Y/n every day! I need to know everything - their activities, conversations - I won't allow anyone to touch my Y/n!!!" My possessiveness echoed in the room as I demanded thorough surveillance.

Mr. Lim bowed, assuring, "Miss Kim, we will monitor them closely, don't worry." With that, he departed to attend to his tasks. I took a sip from my drink, my gaze unwavering in the pictures capturing Y/n at the café.

Upon closer inspection, something caught my attention. "Who is that?"

A mysterious figure consistently appearing in the photos - dressed in black with a matching cap and mask. This girl frequented Y/n's café every day at the same time. Initially dismissing it, I now found the situation suspicious.

I sighed, pushing back from the table. Placing the glass down, I grabbed my coat, determination etched on my face, and headed out of the room.

- Hwang Hyunjin's Pov -

I sighed as I stared at my phone, receiving no replies or calls from Y/n. What if something bad happened to them again?

Grabbing my coat, I knew I had to inform Y/n about their living situation with Danielle, their former lover whose love had transformed into an unsettling obsession. However, the uncertainty lingered - was it the same Danielle, or an entirely different threat?

These thoughts propelled my attempts to contact Y/n, seeking clarification about the specific Danielle they were currently residing with.

As the elevator doors opened, I briskly walked out, heading towards my car. Sighing, I started the engine, contemplating the weight of the truth I was about to reveal. "It's time for Y/n to confront every facet of their past," I muttered, preparing to start the car.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed from behind. "Where do you think you're going?" I halted, turning to face the voice. "Don't move, or this knife will find its way to your neck," she threatened, holding the knife perilously close.

"Mr. Hwang, drive to the location I specify, or you'll meet your maker," she declared, injecting a sense of dread. "Where?" I mumbled, fear evident in my voice. "To a place where I can end you without a second thought," she replied. "Just kidding. I won't dispatch you that quickly. I'll end you when the time is right. But you'll be trapped - I won't allow you to interfere with my Y/n or poison their mind against me. So, I'm contemplating something sinister... I can't abandon the plans I've meticulously crafted over the years." As she spoke, I discreetly retrieved my phone from my pocket, dialing 911.

"And then, I'll make Y/n mine. What do you think you're doing?!" She noticed my covert actions, pressing the knife against my skin. "Give me your phone, or meet your demise right now!" she demanded. Trembling, I handed over my phone, her sinister laughter lingering in the tense air.

"Now, drive to the destination I specify."

A/n : A little question I always wanted to ask - are you guys enjoying this story? 😭

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