Chapter -08

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- Kim Minji's Pov -

"Yeah, Dad, I'm fine, really fine. Managed to find something worthwhile to occupy my time," I replied, settling into a chair and absentmindedly patting Freakpup, my loyal dog companion.

(😭 Just dubbed my bro 'Freakpup,' haha. It's his new title, totally suits the vibe!)

"Sure, Dad, I'll catch up with you later. Love you. Bye," I concluded, ending the call. A sigh escaped me as I leaned back in the chair, contemplating the quietude.

"Freakpup, go play, but keep it down, alright?" I instructed my furry friend, allowing him to scamper out of the room. My attention then shifted to the room's occupant-the love of my life.

Oh, by the way, did I mention? I'm in Y/n's room now.

They're peacefully sleeping, oblivious to the world around them. Why? Well, because I've drugged them.

"Haha, my medical studies really come in handy," I mumbled, rising from the chair to gaze upon Y/n's serene form. The soft glow of the room accentuated their peaceful slumber.

"What a cutie!" I chuckled softly, unconsciously licking my lips.

You see, I've been drugging Y/n since day one. It's become a bit of a habit for me. I can't help it-I just find pleasure in it.

And here's a secret for you, I've even killed a man by drugging him excessively. The thrill of it all was so intoxicatingly fun.

Now, standing before my soon-to-be partner, I can't help but revel in the anticipation.

It's fascinating how drugging Y/n adds an extra layer of enjoyment, especially when they remain oblivious to my nightly activities.

My darling Y/n, unaware of the intimate moments we've shared, lies there peacefully.

From the very first night with them, I've been orchestrating this secret dance.

"Aww, what a cute pup," I whispered affectionately, gently caressing Y/n's hair. Their soft breaths created a tender connection between us.

"Babe, I'll make you mine... no one else can touch you. You're exclusively mine," I murmured, leaning down to press a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead. As I continued to run my fingers through their hair, a sense of possessive satisfaction washed over me.


- Your Pov -

Like any other day, I woke up with a sore and weak body. My sensitive skin was tender, as if someone had been intimate with me. Despite this, I had to get up for my classes and part-time work at the cafe. The routine seemed ordinary, but as I walked out of my room after my morning routine, I discovered a collection of fresh hickeys on my body.

Sighing, I made my way to the living room, only to be greeted by Minji's familiar voice.

"Y/n?" she called, and I turned to face her.

"Uh... yeah?" I responded.

"How was your sleep?" Minji asked with a smile as she walked towards me.

"Not that good. I don't know why my body is so sore," I admitted, puzzled.

"Maybe you're tired from the wild night," she suggested, grabbing my hand.

"Let's go to uni together. I'll drive you. Y/n, remember to eat and drink in time. And don't let anyone flirt with you. If they do, let me know, or I'll punish them severely and give you a sexy one. Keep that in your mind," Minji instructed as we walked out the door.

Confused by her sudden commands, I thought, "What the..." while we entered the elevator, Minji still holding my hand.

On another floor, an elderly lady joined us. Greeting us with a cheerful "Good morning, kids!" she noticed our intertwined hands.

"Are you guys dating?" she asked, and before I could respond, Minji cut in with, "Yeah, we are," kissing my hand with a smirk.

Stunned, I awkwardly smiled at the elderly lady's comment.

Minji parked her car in the university parking lot. As I moved to get out, she stopped me.

"Don't get out of the car!" she commanded, unbuckling her seat belt and looking at me with a smirk.

"Hwang Y/n, don't forget what I warned. And here's a goodbye kiss!" she declared, moving closer and planting a kiss on my cheek, leaving me flustered.

As she pulled away, Minji remarked, "I am not satisfied!" before grabbing my shirt, pulling me closer, and pressing her lips against mine.

"Min-" I was silenced by another lingering kiss from Minji. Her lips met mine with a passion that seemed to stretch time. In the confined space of the car, the atmosphere was charged with intensity, and Minji continued to press herself against me. Our make-out session had extended to a captivating 30 minutes.

"Sssh, love," Minji whispered in my ear, her breath sending a delicate shiver down my spine. The warmth of her presence on top of me heightened the intimate ambiance.

"Just enjoy the time and let me have fun... I am still not satisfied," Minji declared with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Her lips left mine and began a tantalizing journey along my neck, leaving a trail of sensations in their wake.

"Min-ji!" I gasped as the warmth of her lips danced on my skin, each touch amplifying the electric connection between us.

"Let me have fun with you for just a few more minutes. You're so addictive. Everything about you is addictive!" Minji's words hung in the air as her eyes locked onto mine. Beneath my shirt, her fingers traced gentle patterns on my skin, creating a delightful contrast to the fervor of our kisses.

"C(h)orny ass!" I thought as she pulled me into another kiss.

"May I come in, sir?" I breathlessly exclaimed, hastily entering the classroom. Thanks to Minji's urgent desires, I found myself running late and slightly disheveled.

"Yeah, of course, but why are you 20 minutes late?" Mr. Park inquired, his gaze scanning me from head to toe.

"Ehm, the traffic!" I quickly fabricated an excuse, hoping to avoid any further scrutiny. He nodded in understanding.

"So, you were stuck in that traffic, hmm? But please hide your hickeys!" Mr. Park advised, eliciting laughter from the rest of the class.

"Uh... okay, thanks," I mumbled, feeling the embarrassing aftermath of Minji's affectionate marks as I absentmindedly touched the spot where they were.

As I took my seat, I heard a familiar voice. "Wassup, mate!"

"Hey, morning, Hanni!" I greeted with an awkward smile.

"Seems like you had a good time, huh? Is it my corny-ass bestie?" she teased, making me sigh as I nodded.

"But be honest, I can give you better hickeys than her!" Hanni playfully added.


A/n : So, brace yourself - Minji's planning a murder in the next chapter, huhu. Ready for the drama? OMG, is it Hanni Pham? 🦦

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