Chapter -05

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- Kim Minji's Pov -

I maintained a cold expression while observing Y/n, who stood there with an uncertain smile.

"Do you have any idea what happened yesterday?" I inquired coldly, my gaze fixed on Y/n.

"N-no... I am not... I f-forgot," Y/n stammered, and I sighed.

A smirk played on my lips as I noted how flustered Y/n appeared.

"Something significant occurred yesterday. Really, something happened," I stated coldly, my eyes locking onto Y/n.

"W-what happened?" Y/n asked, and I couldn't resist smirking.

"Oh, didn't you notice those hickeys, or should I say, love bites, all over your body?" I asked, pouting while my eyes remained cold, awaiting an answer.

"Uh... yeah," Y/n admitted, prompting a smirk from me.

"But how did they end up on my body?" Y/n questioned, and I sighed.

"Aww, you're too obvious, you know?" I remarked, standing up from the couch and approaching Y/n.

They attempted to back away, but I grabbed their arm, pulling them closer and pressing my body against theirs.

"Something happened... between us," I whispered into their ear, nibbling on it.

"W-what?" Y/n stuttered, gently pushing me away.

I sighed at the resistance.

"Don't you understand? You slept with me!" I declared, observing Y/n's widening eyes.

"Shocked?" I teased.

"B-but how..?" Y/n questioned, their lips trembling.

"Well, things got heated, and boom," I said with a smirk, prompting a blink from Y/n.

"Aren't you regretting this?" Y/n asked, and I laughed.

"Do I seem like it?" I retorted.

"And you?" I inquired.

"O-obviously, yeah..." Y/n confessed, and I nodded.

"Okay, regret it if you want, but if I sense any trouble, I won't hesitate to act, so don't tell anyone about it," I warned, patting Y/n's cheek before walking away to my room.

Inside my room, I allowed a sigh to escape, pondering on the success of my manipulation. "I should be the one who shouldn't be forgiven because I was the one who forced that upon them yesterday. Poor Y/n," I mused, smirking to myself. I settled onto my bed, and my eyes fell upon something - Y/n's shirt.

You could say I stole it.

Holding the shirt in my hands, I observed it for a moment, relishing in the lingering scent of Y/n that surrounded me. "Aghh, you're making me crazy, Y/n," I murmured, embracing the shirt as I sighed contentedly.


- Your Pov -

In the midst of my class, my mind was consumed by thoughts of the conversation with Minji, replaying the revelation about the night I got drunk.

"How could I have done that with her..." I sighed, slamming my pen down on the desk, the frustration evident but subdued.

"I should apologize to her for that..." I whispered, nodding to myself with a sense of determination.

As I made my way to the next class, someone started walking beside me, prompting me to look up. "You must be Hwang Y/n?" she inquired, and I nodded awkwardly, wondering how she knew my name.

"Hi, I'm Ahn Yujin!" she introduced herself, extending her hand for a handshake. I reciprocated the gesture, still trying to shake off the awkwardness.

"How do you know me?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, I saw you yesterday in the hallway, and one of my best friends is your classmate, so I learned about your name from her," Yujin explained, shedding light on the mystery.

"And I heard you're new?" she continued, and I nodded in confirmation.

"Welcome to this uni! I'm one year senior to you, but you can call me Yujin, and we could be friends!" she suggested with a warm smile. I nodded, appreciating her friendly demeanor.

"Can I have your phone number?" Yujin asked casually, taking me by surprise. It was an unexpected but friendly gesture.

"Yeah, of course," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant as I took her phone and saved my contact.

"Okay, see you later!" Yujin waved as she walked in the direction of her class.

"See you later," I responded, offering a small bow before making my way to my next class, feeling a slight shift in my day.

As I walked into my next class, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty filled my mind. I found a seat, and as I settled, a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hwang Y/n?" The voice called out.

"Huh, who is that?" I thought as I turned to meet the source-the shorty girl aka Minji's bestie named Hanni Pham.

"Hanni, what are you doing here?" I asked, genuine surprise in my tone.

"Tsk* I study here, that's why!" she replied, taking a seat beside mine.

"So, you study at this university too...?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I do. Even Minji, Haerin, and Hyein- all of us!" Hanni shared, laying her head on the table.

"Oh..." I mumbled, absorbing the revelation that Minji was also a student here.

"So, does that mean Minji will be in my classes too?" I asked, glancing at Hanni, who kept her head down but sneaked a look at me.

"No, she's in a different department-medicine, not engineering," Hanni clarified, and I nodded, absorbing the information.

"Bro, I had so much fun with you that day!" Hanni grinned, lifting her head.

"You seem interesting... very much!" she added, making me awkwardly reply, "Thanks," while scratching my nape.

"Hey Y/n, do you wanna go on a date... oh, shit, on a hangout with me?" Hanni threw a surprising proposition my way.

"I'll think about it later since my schedule is busy... but I would love to dat-hang out with you," I replied, and Hanni's wide smile and nod showed her enthusiasm.

"Now I can see why Minji is so horny for you," I overheard Hanni whisper to herself, catching my attention.

"Is she talking about me?" I wondered, caught off guard by the unexpected comment.

"But why would Minji be hor...ny for me?" I pondered, left with more confusion than answers, just as the teacher entered the class to start the lesson.


A/n : They're snagging tickets to their own fade-out. 🌚

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