Chapter -11

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- Your Pov -

The soft ambiance of the room enveloped us as Minji's lips grazed my neck with a fervor that sent shivers down my spine.

"Min?" I called out, my voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and distraction.

Minji, in her own world of affection, hummed in acknowledgment, briefly pausing her endeavors on my neck.

"Have you heard the news?" I inquired, drawing her attention away momentarily. "Which news?" she asked, her eyes meeting mine with a sense of intrigue.

"A high school girl is missing... she vanished three days ago," I revealed, watching as Minji processed the information with a thoughtful expression.

"Ah, I've heard about that. Apparently, her kidnapper hasn't made any demands for her release," Minji shared, her hand lazily tracing patterns over my stomach, a gesture that offered a comforting distraction.

A heavy sigh escaped me as my mind lingered on the unknown fate of the missing girl. "Who could have kidnapped her...?" I mumbled, the weight of concern pressing on my thoughts.

"Hey, Y/n?" Minji interjected, her fingers gently cupping my face, redirecting my focus to her.

"Stop dwelling on that... let's focus on us, okay?" she suggested, her words acting as a soothing balm to my anxious thoughts.

"Do you want to be on top?" Minji asked, a mischievous spark in her eyes.

"Do you want that?" I questioned. Minji responded with a subtle nod, her smirk evolving into a more playful expression.

Embracing the change, I shifted her onto the bed, assuming a position above her.

"Y/n?" she called out, drawing me from my musings.

"Yes, Minji?" I responded, our eyes locking in a shared moment.

"I love you... I really love you," Minji whispered, her gaze holding a depth of sincerity that stirred something within me.

"I-i-" I hesitated, then sighed, acknowledging my feelings.

Admitting it, I liked Minji. Her caring nature, coupled with a hint of possessiveness, portrayed her as the perfect girlfriend.

"I-i love you too," I finally confessed, earning a genuine and warm smile from Minji.

"And I love you more. More than you can imagine. I can do anything for you, even if it means going against my favorite people," she declared, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on my chest, leaving me captivated by her sincerity.

Leaning in for a kiss, our bodies pressed against each other in a dance of shared desire.

My hand ventured beneath the blanket, exploring Minji's thighs, eliciting soft moans of pleasure that filled the room.

Pulling away from the kiss, I apologized, "Sorry for that," breaking the momentary silence.

"Nah, keep doing it... I fucking love it!" Minji exclaimed, her breath slightly erratic, encouraging me to continue.

Her moans resonated in the room, creating a symphony of shared passion. "Y/n, I fucking love you!" she proclaimed between breaths, pulling me into another intoxicating and fervent kiss.

The room buzzed with an intimate atmosphere as I continued to explore Minji's neck with tender kisses, her hands guiding me closer. "You smell good," Minji complimented, taking a moment to savor the scent before playfully biting my shoulder, eliciting a satisfied moan.

"Thanks," I whispered, my hands instinctively finding their way to her legs as I drew myself nearer. Kissing her neck, I ventured down her body, reaching the delicate expanse of her stomach. A contented sigh escaped Minji's lips, and her grip on my hand tightened, silently urging me to continue.

"Y/n!! Please, I need you now..." Minji pleaded, her eyes brimming with desire as she gazed up at me.

"You want that?" I inquired, seeking confirmation, and she vigorously nodded.

"I need you to fuck me!" she declared, her urgency echoing in her voice.

"But isn't it too much? We just shared that moment a few minutes ago, and with university tomorrow, we really should get some sleep," I reasoned. Minji let out a frustrated sigh.

"University is tomorrow; we can think about that then. For now, let's focus on this! I've waited for you the whole day!" she insisted, desire burning in her eyes.

"But patience is a virtue," I reminded her, my fingers gently caressing her cheek.

"Nah, I can't wait!" she persisted.

"This girl," I thought, sighing as I readied myself. Just as I was about to indulge in her desires, the doorbell rang.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!?" Minji whined, frustration etched on her face, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hold on, I'll give you that later. Let me check who it is," I said, grabbing my t-shirt from the floor and swiftly pulling it on.

As I opened the door, I noticed something on the floor-a small paper. Mumbling to myself, I picked it up and read the mysterious message.

"I know you're having fun with her. Have fun, just don't forget that I can make you happier than anyone. So, love, I missed you. I hope you miss me as well, and yes, I love you more than anyone. No one can love you like I did-Admirer."

"Love, who is it?" Minji's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Ah, no one," I replied, discreetly slipping the paper into my pocket.

"What? Then who rang the doorbell?" Minji asked, joining me at the door.

"Maybe someone was just messing around," I suggested, my mind still tangled in the strange person's message.

"Who the hell was it? I'm going to kill them for interrupting our moment," Minji declared, slamming her hand against the door.

"Whatever, let's get inside. We have university tomorrow," I suggested, leading the way inside. Minji sighed and closed the door behind us.

"Yawn Let's sleep, but you have to fulfill my needs in the morning. You can't go to university until you fuck me in bed," Minji insisted, her eyes heavy with drowsiness.

"Okay, good night," I responded, heading to my room while Minji went to hers.

Alone in my room, I retrieved the paper from my pocket, staring at it in confusion.

"Who could this be?" I pondered, sighing and rubbing my temples, the identity of the mysterious admirer lingering in my thoughts.


A/n : So, guess whose letter that was, and don't forget to vote. 🐇🥕 (These two emojis are so dirty-minded. Lmao)

SOMEONE HERE | K.MJ X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora