Chapter -25

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- Kang Haerin's Pov -

Darkness enveloped me-fucking pitch black. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the infamous Danielle had successfully kidnapped me. The question that lingered in my mind: What the hell does she want with me?

Groaning, I attempted to move, only to find the tight ropes binding my hands behind the chair. Even my legs were entangled in the constriction, and to top it off, my eyes were blindfolded. Well, congratulations, Danielle Marsh, I'm awake. Why keep up the blindfold charade?

"Ughh..." I groaned in frustration. The footsteps approached, halting in front of me. "Is that Dani?" I smirked, deliberately using the name that seemed to irk her.

"Don't call me that fucking Dani name," she retorted, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"So, why'd you kidnap me, huh? Miss me that much?" I taunted, my laughter echoing in the dim space.

"Nope, I don't want you, and I never will. I already have my eyes set on someone else," she stated with a sinister edge to her voice.

"Who could that be?" I questioned, feigning ignorance.

"None other than Hwang Y/n," she revealed, and I bit my cheek in disbelief. "What?!" I mumbled, caught off guard.

As she removed the blindfold, I winced at the sudden onslaught of light, groaning in discomfort. "Where have you taken me?" I demanded, squinting to survey my surroundings. It was undoubtedly a basement, but the pressing question remained: How the hell do I get out of here?

"Hell," she giggled, reveling in her own sinister amusement. I shot her a disdainful look. "Just wait, bitch. When Minji finds out you have a crush on Y/n, she will kill you," I declared, trying to provoke her.

"But you'll be the one dying first," she coldly responded, sending a shiver down my spine.

- Your Pov -

"It's been a day, and there's still no sign of Hae," Hanni sighed, running her fingers through her hair in frustration. "I even spoke to Mrs. Kang, but she has no idea about where Hae might be. What if someone kidnapped her or something?" Hyein chimed in, her worry evident on her face.

"Should we consider reporting it to the police? I mean, it's not normal for her to just disappear like this," Hanni suggested, looking at me for input. I sighed, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Maybe... it doesn't seem right, and no one knows where Hae is," I replied with a sense of concern.

"Guys, I gotta run," Hyein suddenly announced, glancing at her phone. "Sure, let us know when you're home safe," Hanni replied, and I nodded in agreement.

After Hyein left, it was just Hanni and me left in my apartment. Minji was out, and Danielle's whereabouts were unknown.

The doorbell rang, and I decided to answer it. "I'll check who it is," I said, walking towards the door. As it opened, Danielle stood on the other side, her gaze meeting mine.

"Hey, Y/n!" she greeted with her usual cheerful demeanor. I offered a slight wave as she made her way inside. "I heard Haerin is missing or something," she mentioned, concern furrowing her brows. I sighed in acknowledgment.

"Did you guys find any signs, like if she got kidnapped or maybe Hae decided she needed some time alone?" Danielle suggested, her eyes reflecting genuine curiosity. I pondered the possibilities and replied, "I don't know... by the way, where's Minji?"

"Oh, she's with Mom," Danielle answered. I nodded, and she continued, "Alright, I'm going to my room to freshen up a bit." As she walked away, she greeted Hanni.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. "Something is happening," I murmured to myself, biting my cheek in contemplation.

- Kim Minji's Pov -

"This is beyond frustrating... I feel this urge to tear that gold digger's face apart every time I lay eyes on her. What the hell does she want from me, huh? Is it the same old story, trying to blackmail me or something else? And why the hell did she choose to call me now? And to top it off, she's late...!" I vented my frustration in the confines of my car, hitting the steering wheel in agitation.

Amidst my outburst, my phone rang, and I hastily picked it up, maintaining a cold demeanor. "Who is it?" I inquired, my voice sharp.

"Haha... it's me," came the voice from the other end, and I let out a sigh. "What's your name, for heaven's sake?" I demanded, greeted by a giggle in response.

"Getting angry, huh?" the mysterious caller taunted, and I glanced at my phone, noting it was an unknown number.

"Can you enlighten me on who the HELL you are?" I retorted. "Your competitor. And?" the voice continued from the other side.

"What?" I mumbled, grappling with confusion.

"Y/n is mine," the person declared before abruptly ending the call.

Initially bewildered, I couldn't help but explode, "FUCK! WHO THE HELL IS THAT MOTHERFUCKER!? DO THEY WANT TO DIE OR SOMETHING!?" My eyes remained fixed on my phone, and I bit my lips in frustration. "This doesn't seem normal... and who is that bitch willingly walking into their own demise?"

The tension lingered as a knock on my car door interrupted my thoughts. Rolling down the window, I muttered, "This gold digger..." as she entered the passenger side. "So, I called-"

- Unknown Pov -

I couldn't contain my smile as I watched Y/n working diligently in their cafe. Checking the time on my watch, I mumbled, "Guess it's time to head to the playground," starting the car engine and making my way to the destination.

After a 30-minute drive, I reached an old, eerie abandoned house. Stepping inside, I walked into the basement where Hyunjin was tied to a chair. His gaze met mine, and he spoke weakly, "So, it was you... you came back." I couldn't help but giggle at his recognition.

"Of course, I had to return. It's all for my Y/n. Now, let's kick off today's game. You've got a friend to keep you company. Being all alone must be a real buzzkill, so I brought you a partner for this thrilling ride," I explained, smirking.

Exiting the basement, I witnessed my men bringing in a unconscious Haerin.

"Secure her in there and tie her up even tighter than last time. She managed to escape before, and we wouldn't want a repeat performance," I instructed my men, receiving nods of understanding.

Returning to the basement, I found Hyunjin looking at Haerin with confusion. "Who's that?" he inquired upon my approach. "Meet your in-game nemesis," I chuckled.

"Damn it, Danielle, don't mess around!" he exclaimed, earning an eye roll from me.

"This chick," I pointed at Haerin, "was an obsessed stalker of your sibling!" I clarified, causing Hyunjin's eyes to widen.

"Doesn't she deserve to meet her maker? Hell yes. And I've brought her here for exactly that reason," I declared, taking a seat in a nearby chair.

"What... do you mean?" Hyunjin asked, his confusion evident. I shot him a sinister grin and replied,

"Now, do you want her to bite the dust or would you prefer that fate for yourself?"

A/n : I'm telling ya, Dani is 69% pure! 😇

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