Chapter -01

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Life unfolded in normalcy until the wrenching departure of your parents, triggering a profound transformation. The playful, carefree vibes of childhood dissolved, replaced by an indescribable essence.

Five years ago, at the tender age of 15, your parents departed, leaving you and your 18-year-old brother, Hyunjin, to navigate a world suddenly bereft of their presence.

Recent celebrations marked your graduation, securing a coveted spot at the university of your choice. However, the catch lay in leaving your hometown behind, a decision that stirred conflicting emotions. The home that once sheltered laughter now echoed with the pains of memories, a constant reminder of your departed parents.

As you embarked on a new chapter, Hyunjin, after driving you to your new town, offered words of reassurance. "No prob, I will take care of myself. Just don't forget about yourself. Take a rest. Don't study too hard, and, you know, Y/n, just take care of yourself for your favorite brother, okay!"

"I will. And you too," you responded with a nod.

"Best of luck with your studies, and whatever happens, take care, little Hwang!" he said, affectionately patting your head.

His concern lingered as he added, "If you need anything or help, don't hesitate to hit me up. My town isn't far away."

As he scratched his nape, you nodded in acknowledgment. "Okay, now leave!" you urged, a playful exchange lightening the somber moment.

"I will! Just remember my words, okay?" he teased, and you sighed, nodding your head.

The mention of your roommate prompted Hyunjin's curiosity. "Oh, where's your roommate, by the way? I heard this apartment is shared or something."

"They might show up later," you replied with a sigh.

As he prepared to depart for work, he expressed regret, "Since I have work, I gotta leave. Sorry if I couldn't do much for you here."

"It's okay, and I've been telling you to leave for ten minutes now!" you chuckled, playfully pushing him toward the door.

"I'm leaving now. Happy? And if your roommate is male, just tell me, and if it's a female but attractive, you know the drill, right?" he teased, prompting a nod from you.

"Now leave!" you insisted, gently pushing him out of the apartment.

As he stood outside the door, he assured, "I'll call you when I get home, little Hwang!" With a nod and a wave, you bade him goodbye, commencing a new phase in your journey.

- Your Pov -

As I anxiously awaited my roommate, the original occupant of this space, a sense of unease crept in. It struck me as peculiar that they weren't here, especially given the knowledge that someone new would be arriving today.

"Why the heck aren't they here?" I muttered, pondering the mystery.

Just then, the door swung open, revealing a figure accompanied by the rhythmic tap of footsteps.

"Someone here?" echoed a resonant, feminine voice, drawing my attention. I turned to witness the entrance of a breathtaking girl.

She transcended mere prettiness; she emanated a divine aura, a living embodiment of grace.

She transcended mere prettiness; she emanated a divine aura, a living embodiment of grace

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"So, you're...?" she began, gesturing towards me, a striking contrast between her elegance and the presence of a formidable-looking dog by her side.

"Uh, hey, I'm Hwang Y/n, the roommate," I introduced, offering a respectful bow in acknowledgment.

"Oh, you're the roommate, ahh," she responded, nodding. "Hello, I'm Kim Minji, the one you'll be sharing this apartment with. I hope we get along." She reciprocated with a bow, the dog still firmly in her grasp, an innocent smile gracing her lips.

"An innocent one," I thought, attempting to decode the nuances of our first encounter.

"Uh... me too," I awkwardly replied, grappling with the nuances of social interaction.

"You must be tired after the journey, so you should get some rest and freshen up a bit. Since it's your first day, I thought to make dinner for us," Minji kindly suggested, her warm demeanor casting a soothing light. I responded with an awkward nod, accompanied by an absent-minded scratch of my nape.

"Ehm, thank you!" I expressed, bowing once more, a gesture woven with a blend of gratitude and respect.

"You don't have to bow; we seem like the same age," she noted with a gentle smile.

"Oh, how old are you?" I inquired, locking eyes with her, navigating the innocence that lingered in her gaze.

"20," she replied, still smiling. "Uh, same. I'm 20 too," I confirmed.

"So I guessed right?" she mumbled, tilting her head, a playful curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"Haha, maybe you did," I chuckled, a shared moment of amusement breaking the initial awkwardness.

"Ehm, you should freshen up, and I'll start making dinner, haha," Minji suggested, her hospitality extending to an offer of comfort and shared moments.

"If you want hel-" I began to offer assistance, but she gently interjected.

"Don't worry; I can handle it. But if it wasn't your first day, I would gladly take your help. However, since you're tired, it's okay. Go shower, then rest a bit," she reassured, her considerate nature woven into her words. I nodded, still navigating the realm of awkwardness, as I made my way toward my room.

"So it seems I got a good roommate. Thanks, God."

- Kim Minji's Pov -

"You came?" I glanced up from the bubbling pot, and there was Hwang Y/n, my new roommate-a captivating mixture of awkward charm and undeniable cuteness. They looked as if they had just stepped out of the shower, damp tendrils of hair framing their face in a way that added an extra layer to their appeal.

Y/n nodded their head, a tentative expression on their face, as if gauging the atmosphere.

"I thought to help you, so... can I?" Y/n asked, their gaze carrying the innocence of a lost puppy.

A mischievous thought crossed my mind, "Oh, I just want to kiss you now," I mused internally, relishing the unexpected allure they brought to the scene.

"So, you want to help?" I inquired, locking eyes with them, deliberately weaving a subtle invitation into my gaze.

Y/n, perhaps overwhelmed by the unspoken dynamic, avoided eye contact but nodded hesitantly, signifying their willingness to join forces.

"Good, come here," I beckoned, watching them navigate the space with a hint of awkwardness that only heightened their endearing aura.

"So, you have to do a simple task," I continued, studying Y/n as they continued to nod, unsure of the unfolding scenario.

"You just have to fuck me," a mischievous thought teased in my mind, but I kept it to myself.

"Uh, you'll cut these veggies while I handle another task. You can't cook since I'm not used to someone else's cooking, so I'll take care of that part," I outlined, Y/n nodding awkwardly and setting to work on the assigned task.

As they worked, my attention involuntarily wandered, appreciating the perfection of Y/n's body. An urge to touch lingered in the recesses of my mind-a desire I had to suppress in the interest of maintaining a certain decorum.

Shaking my head, I redirected my focus to the cooking, attempting to resist the alluring distraction Y/n unintentionally presented.

A/n : So, did y'all enjoy it? 🙂✌️

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