Chapter 6

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     I wracked my brain trying to figure out why this girl hated me so much. I can't understand what I could have done or said to start this hatred of hers for me. And no matter how bad she is with me, I can only keep thinking about her, it's like we are two opposite magnets, we attract each other even though we don't want to. Like the sun and the moon, always far away but running after each other, or maybe that's just in my head.

     I find myself walking through the city streets all alone. Thinking about her reactions, if only being around her makes her so sick of me what reaction would she have if she will find out what truly I am.

Walking further and further into the city I see a coffee shop. I enter and my eyes land on a well known brunette. She was standing among her friends talking and laughing enjoying their time when her eyes met mine and she stood up from the table to greet me. All her friends turned their heads at me and I could hear their whispers and giggles.

Zoe had her always big smile, she came and hugged me. That made me wonder, Is she always this happy because all the time I've seen her, she was smiling from ear to ear.
I feel so bad for everything I will say next because I don't want to ruin her mood and neither her sentiments. I feel the need to talk with someone and she feels like the right person...

" Zoe, hello!" I said faking a smile and looking into her eyes, she invited me to take a seat separately with her and I did it exactly. "What's going on? You seem a little drained!" She said with a sweet tone that made my smile for real " Look, I... I don't know how to explain this to you!" I said sighing, I looked into her eyes only to see her already looking at me. " Try me! You don't want to go out with me?" She asked and I nodded " You are right, but you deserve a reason why and you might laugh at me!" I said and she took my hand squeezing it tight. I never met someone to take a no so good but is better then playing her heart and brake it anyway after. " What can be so bad?" She said laughing softly " I have a crush on Kalilah!" I said and she looked shocked at me, like this is the last thing she could have heard. " Fucking lucky bitch! When, how? You need to give some details!" I ordered a water bottle and Zoe another capucino as I shifted into my chair. " There are no details, I want her around all the time and she can't stand me, she told me directly that my presence is unbearable." I said sipping from the water bottle. " What? Kaly was never the mean type! You tried to make a move on her or something?" She frowned trying to think. " A move from 3 feet away?" She rolled her tongue inside her cheek at my words. " Then you must scare her, maybe she feels the same and this is her mechanism of defence because she never dated girls." "Half girl" I corrected Zoe and she raised a brow. " I'm intersex, I have a dick!" Her eyes wide and scans me top to bottom " how I never saw it before, it hides well it seems." She said with a smirk that made me laugh. " I am lucky I wear baggy pants". I said trying to get a reaction from her and I did I got one, she put her hands on her ears in protest to not hear me.
" I don't want to know" "Look, I'll help you win Kaly over, but I need something in return!" She said and that definitely made me curious " What?" " I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend so I can get rid of a dude that doesn't get what no means." She said pointing to a blonde guy sitting at the table she was sitting who was already looking at us with a disgusted face.

I looked at her and took her hand in mine over the table so he can see and stood up from the table with her. " Let me take you home, if he doesn't follow us so we can take care o him we will figure it out a way." I said pulling her close to me still hand in hand.

We walked to the table where the guy and her friends were and told them that we are leaving. They all looked at with smiles on their faces but the guy was red faced. They all said goodbye and we left the local.

We were about to turn the corner when I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me to turn around and as I assumed the guy from the cafe was standing in front of us with anger written all over his face. "Where the fuck do you think you are going?" I scanned him head to toe and he was hella short.

I looked down on him and he seemed to get madder. " What is your problem?" I asked him with a slight grin on my face. " You think this charade works on me? You are gonna be banged tonight you want it or not!" He says pulling Zoe by her arm from me. " Take you hands off of her right now buddy or..." I said catching his arm in a thigh hold. " Or what, you gonna beat me up you fucking dyke..." he hadn't even finished speaking when my fist met his face.
I started punching him again and again wasting energy on sad dirt like him. He falls down on the ground with his face on his hands and blood draining from his nose and mouth, he looked up to me and the picture of a bastard gave me nothing but pleasure. I kicked him in the face and he fell flat crying in pain. " Next time learn that No means No Darling!"

  I took Zoe hand who was still frozen in shock by my reaction. I pulled her away from the bloody crying dude and started walking her home.

   She stopped in the middle of the road close to her house when she finally spoke. Her voice was sharp and  hoarse " You just beat the shit out of him, and it looked so easy for you!" I looked at her puzzled because that guy was a little man, he looked like he never fought anyone before. " Yes, and?" I asked wanting to know what she meant by that. " Kaly would be so stupid to reject you!" She said I felt bad, because Zoe is in deed a wonderful girl, pretty and a good person who cares about her friend. And maybe in another life, a life where Kalilah never existed I would feel for her, but a life without her is not a life I want to live.
" I would give everything for her to see me the way you do Zoe!  She just can't stand me and I just can't stop comparing everyone with her."
She looks at me and a slight smile cracks on her face. " If there is something that Kaly would want is something she can't have. I have a plan but you need to trust me"

I frowned my eyebrows at her affirmation hoping for a new one. " We are going to tell her we had sex!"

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