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The bar is dark and very, very crowded. He's been dancing, on and off, but right now Eddy is in a corner, chilling, nursing his fourth beer, watching with an amused smile how Brett tries to hit it off with this girl on the dance floor. Asian, petite, just his type. She's receptive too, turning her shapely arse against his side on the steady beat.
How much beer has Brett had? Plenty that Eddy knows already he'll be crashing at his place. No way he's going back to his parents' drunk. But will it be just him, or the girl, too? 
Tory went home an hour ago. It's getting late, but there's no way he's grabbing Brett right now, not when he's potentially getting lucky. So he'll stand here and sip his beer. Hell, maybe he'll grab a fifth. They're both free tomorrow, right? 
He sees it unfolding in front of him, like he's seen a hundred times. She gyrates a bit more and suddenly she's in his arms. 
Okay, so maybe Eddy is being a bit of a voyeur here, but he likes this, he likes to see the progression. Suddenly Brett looks up, finds his eyes and winks at him. Eddy grins and raises his glass. 
The scene changes in front of him as a new, slower song comes on, hands on hips, then lips on lips, dirty, tongue involved. It's a bit of a turn on, to be honest. Eddy watches for a bit, then smiles and looks away. 
Maybe he should head home. Brett will find him, he has a key. 
Or maybe he'll go with the girl, anyway.

He looks up in surprise. "Hey! Um... I thought that was going places!"
"Me too." Brett shrugs. He's clearly pretty drunk. "She's gone outside, though. Wanna dance a bit more?"
I mean, what's he going to say? No, I'm done, I'm going home? Of course not. He lets himself get dragged onto the dance floor and surrenders to the pulsating lights around them. 
It's that hour of the night when people get more and more within themselves, like the rest of the world doesn't really exist anymore. Eddy has no idea where their friends are. Todd and Ian have probably stepped out to snog in some alley or other, or maybe more than that. He grins. 
"Nothing." he shrugs, raising his voice to be heard over the pounding beat. It's stronger here than in the corner. "Just thinking of Todd, down on Ian in the street outside, then getting arrested."
Brett throws his head back and laughs loudly. 
"Nah. Todd is so smooth, he'd definitely talk his way out of that one."

A slow song comes on and the throng around them settles down. Arms are put around torsos, bellies are pushed together. He puts his arms around Brett and pulls him in in turn. 
"Were you watching?" Brett says in his ear. Eddy grins, because he knows approximately how much beer Brett has had, and even if he didn't he can hear how slurred his speech is. He also knows Brett doesn't care either way. 
"Only a little bit. Pretty sexy. Maybe she'll be back?"
He leans over a little. Brett has lovely lips, he knows that. He's a great kisser, too. Brett smiles and leans in as well. The song pounds them on as their lips touch. Eddy groans softly and opens his mouth to invite him in. He presses his torso to Brett. He's probably too drunk for much else, but he likes the contact. They sway like that, kissing, almost lazily through alcoholic haze. He tastes of beer, and faintly of some peanuts he must have had from the bar.
Will Tory have gone to his place, or back to hers? He kind of wants sex, tonight. He grunts softly and kisses Brett some more. 
"Fuck, you're good at that." Brett says in his ear once he lets him go. Then he chuckles. "I want more beer. You?"
"I kind of want home. You coming back to mine? Or you finding the girl? I don't think I should leave you alone like this."
"Tory gone to yours?"
"Not sure."
Brett shrugs and looks around him one more time. 
"I'll come along. Sure. Let's go."

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