Full Circle

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Davion and Daenerys' room

"So do you trust this Mya Stone?" Thorak asked.

"No." Davion said. "Although I am curious as to how a woman took over the Stormlands."

"You don't believe that women can do anything?" Thorak asked. "Look at the queen."

Davion chuckled. "If you went to Storms End, you'd understand what I mean. My father would turn over in his grave if he knew that a woman was in control of his childhood home and let's not even begin to talk about my uncle Stannis."

Thorak scoffed. "So are you going?" He asked.

"I haven't decided yet." Davion answered. "Though I would like to see Jon first."

"Well then whatever you decide I'll support you." Thorak said.

"You're being well behaved today." Davion said. "I take it has something to do with Tyene Sand."

"That obvious?" Thorak asked.

"You could've tried harder to hide it." Davion said. "Just be careful."

"She's not like her mother." Thorak said. "She's the one who gave me the antidote for Myrcellas poison." He reminded Davion.

"Would she have given it out of her own?" Davion asked and Thorak was silent. "I'm not forbidding you to be with her. I just want you to be careful."

"I promise I'll be careful, brother." Thorak said. "So you and the queen sleep together?" He asked.

"Yes." Davion answered.

"But you don't sleep together?" Thorak inquired.

"No." Davion confirmed.

"Why?" Thorak asked.

Davion sighed. "When I heard we were coming back to Westeros, I was happy. Daenerys will finally be on the throne and I would be at her side but then I remembered that I would have to face everything that's happened in the last four years. The people who died because I wasn't here."

"That's not your fault." Thorak assured.

"Perhaps, but so many people died. Good people." Davion said. "My brothers are dead. The Starks lost their home and had to fight to get it back. I'm the last Baratheon and my mother wants to destroy the realm so that she could have absolute power. Then there's your father as well. He will never see the man that you will grow up to be because of me."

Davion carried so much guilt for everything that has happened in his absence and also what happened when he was a slave.

"I understand why you feel the way you feel, but you have gained more than what you have lost." Thorak said. "Myrcella is alive. The queen loves you. I gained a brother." He smirked. "And you pulled out a cursed sword. Not many people can say they pulled out a cursed sword."

Davion looked at Blackfyre. He thought of what the red priestesses told him and also about what Takmet told him.

"Thank you, Thorak." Davion said. "I'll try harder to move past all my trauma...for Dany."

"Perhaps you should give her a child." Thorak said and earned a glare from Davion. "I think you'll make a good father."

"I don't think I'm ready for all that yet." Davion said. "Let's focus on getting Dany on the throne first."

They then heard a knock on the door. "Forgive my intrusion, my lord." They heard Trystane. "The queen wishes to see you in the throne room. Jon Snow had arrived."

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