We Meet Again

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The unsullied stood read as the slaver of Yunkai was being carried on a palanquin chair by slaves. Drums were bring beaten as he entered.  Many tents were set and Queen Daenerys Targaryen had her army ready to defend her.

In the queens tent was Daenerys, Ser Jorah, Ser Barriston, Davion, Grey Worm, and Missandei. As soon as Davion saw the slave master he froze. It was him, he allowed his wife to rape Davion, he ordered his guards to tie Davion down while he was being raped all night, that night was carved into Davions memory and it would remain there until the day he died.

Daenerys noticed Davion sweating as if he was afraid, she could understand why she was worried about him. She had only ever felt this way with Khal Drogo.

As soon as the master entered Missandei announced him. "Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz or that noble and honorable house, master of men and speaker to savages, to offer terms of peace." As Missandei spoke he walked closer to Daenerys and Drogon noticed it and screeched st him which made him immediately step back. "Noble lord, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."

'You may approach. Sit." Daenerys offered and a handmaiden put a chair down for him to sit. She had realized that Davion knew this slave master and she could only imagine what it must be like for him to see this man again.

Razdal sat down and Missandei came to him with wine. "Will the noble lord take refreshment?" She asked and he nodded. She then poured him a cup and he took a sip of the wine.

Ancient and glorious is Yunkai, Razdal spoke up. "Our empire was old before dragons stirred in old Valyria. Many an army has broken. You shall find no easy conquest here, Khaleesi."

Daenerys threw a piece of meat in the air and her dragon fought to catch it which scared Razdal even more. "Good. My Unsullied need practice. I was told to blood them early."

"If blood is your desire, blood will flow," Razdal said. "But why? 'Tis true you have committed savageries in Astapor, but the Yunkai are a forgiving and generous people." He clapped his hands and four slaves each carrying a case came into the tent. "The wise masters of Yunkai have sent a gift for the Silver Queen." They put it next to Daenerys and opened it. Gold was given to the queen. "There is far more than this awaiting you on the deck of your ship."

"My ship?" Daenerys inquired.

"Yes, Khaleesi. As I said, we are a generous people." Razdal said. "You shall have as many ships as you require."

"And what do you ask in return?" She asked.

"All we ask is that you make use of these ships. Sail them back to Westeros where you belong and leave us to conduct our affairs in peace." He offered.

Daenerys looked at the slaves who were on their knees and looking at the floor. She then looked at Davion who still stood frozen. She looked at Razdal.

"I have a gift for you as well. Your life." She said.

"My life?" Razdal was confused.

"And the lives of your wise masters, but I also want something in return," She said. "You will release every slave in Yunkai. Every man, woman, and child shall be given as much food, clothing, and property as they can carry, for their payment for their years of servitude. Reject this gift, and I shall show you no mercy."

"You are mad," Razdal furiously said. "We are not Astapor or Qarth, we are Yunkai, and we have powerful friends. Friends who take great pleasure in destroying you. Those who survive, we will enslave once more." He rose from his chair. "Perhaps we will make a slave of you after we enslave him." Razdal looked directly at Davion and Drogon screeched at him and he stepped back again. "You swore me safe conduct."

"I did, but my dragons made no promises, and you threatened their mother and one of my men." Daenerys said and Davion finally snapped out of it when he heard Daenerys defending him.

"Take the gold." Razdal comanded and the slave stepped forward to take the gold, but were stopped when Drogon flew forward and screeched at them.

"My gold," Daenerys pointed out. "You gave it to me remember? And I shall put to good use. You'd be wise to do the same with my gift to you. Now get out." He angrily stormed out.

"The Yunkish are a proud people. They will not bend." Jorah said.

"And what happens to things that don't bend?" She asked. "He said he had powerful friends. Who was he talking about?"

"I don't know." Jorah answered.

"Davion? Do you know?" Daenerys asked and Davion stared at the palanquin chair that housed Razdal mo Eraz as the slaves carried him away.

"I...I have to go." Davion said and left the tent before anyone could protest.

"Ser Jorah, find out who these powerful friends are." Daenerys said and Jorah nodded. She then left the tent and followed Davion.

"Davion?" She called out and he kept walking. "Davion as your queen I order you to stop walking." Davion stopped without hesitation.

"That's dirty, your grace." Davion said. "I've pledged my life to you, but that doesn't mean you get to make me your personal puppet."

"I had no choice, you would not listen when I called." She argued.

Davion sighed. "You're right, forgive me, Daenerys."

"Do you wish to talk about what's bothering you?" She asked.

"No." He sternly said.

Daenerys didn't want to push, instead she walked closer to him and stood next time him. "When I was to be married...sold off to Khal Drogo, I was scared. The first night I spent with him was the worst night if my life, and yet I survived it. I cannot imagine what you went through as a slave, but I can imagine being hurt so much that you would rather die than feel that pain again, but I also know that it all gets better."

"I only wish for the memories would go away." Davion said as he stared into nothing.

"I wish the same." Daenerys said and touched his shoulder. He looked at her and they stared at each other for a while. She didn't know why she felt this way for him. His father killed her brother and his uncle killed her father, and yet she looked at Davion Baratheon and she didn't see a murderer, she saw a good man. For split second Daenerys imagined herself on the throne and Davion at her side, and as quickly as she imagined it she snapped out of it, and completely forgot that theu were staring at each other.

"Thank you for the advice, Daenerys." He said and smiled at her.

"Y...yes we should go back, perhaps Ser Jorah found out who the Yunkai have sent to stand against me." Daenerys suggested.

"Of course...Daenerys." He said and watched her walk away. He never understood why his father wanted her, she was no threat, she was a savior of the realm. He saw the palanquin chair that housed Razdal mo Eraz.  "I'm going to kill you Razdal, that is a promise, not because of what you did to me, but because you made me kill my friend."

Hey guys here's another chapter of  The Fury Of The Storm

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