Regrets and Revival

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Kings Landing

Tower of the Hand

Cersei Lannister was arguing with her father. She did not want to be betrothed to Ser Loras Tyrell, she wanted to stay in Kings Landing with Tommen and Jaime.

"Not another word." Tywin said. "We've been over this. The matter is closed."

"I'm opening it again." Cersei said.

"You are betrothed to Loras Tyrell." He told her. "You're still betrothed to Loras Tyrell, and you will marry Loras Tyrell as soon as Tommen marries Margaery."

"I will not." She said.

"Jaime cannot marry or inherit lands." Tywin pointed out. "Tyrions sentence will be carried out tomorrow." Tywin sighed. "You have in several occasions made great claims about your commitment to this family's future. Your role in that future is more vital than it ever was."

"I don't care." Cersei said. "I will stay in King's Landing where I belong, with my son, the king."

Tywin was annoyed by his daughters attitude. "When you were nine years old, I was called to the capital. I decided to take your brother with me and not you. You insisted that you would not be left at Casterly Rock under nay circumstances, and if you recall-" Cersei cut him off.

"I'm not interested in hearing another one of your smug stories, about the time you won." Cersei said. "This isn't going to be one of those times."

"Do you think you'll be the first person dragged into a Sept to be married against her will?" Tywin asked.

"When you marched into the throne room to tell me that we won the Battle of Blackwater, do you remember?" Cersei asked. "I was sitting on the Iron Throne with Tommen. I was about to give him essence of nightshade. That's how far I was willing to go when I thought someone awful had come to take my son away. Someone awful is coming to take him away."

Tywin scoffed. "No."

"Davion and Joffery are dead." Cersei said. "Myrcellas been sold like livestock, and now you want to ship me off to Highgarden and steal my boy. My last boy."

"Who's fault is that?" Tywin asked.

"I didn't kill my sons." Cersei said.

"Not Joffrey, I agree." Tywin said. "What of Davion?"

Cersei was shocked, but kept her composure. "What are you talking about?" She asked.

"You truly believe I didn't know?" Tywin asked. "The master of whispers may be in your pocket, but he fears me more. You sold Davion to slavery."

"I don't know what you're-" Tywin cut Cersei off. He had enough of her lies.

"Enough!" Tywin roared like a lion and Cersei was frightened. "For three years I believed that Joffery killing Ned Stark was the start to this war, but it was you. You killed you're eldest boy, and you will tell me why. Unfortunately Lord Varys lied about Davion being dead as well."

Cersei was backed into a corner and saw no way out. "I had no choice. Joffrey wanted to slit Davions throat. I saw no other way."

"Davion was an experienced fighter," Tywin pointed out. "He would've disarmed Joffery. What's the real reason you got rid of your eldest son?" He asked.

"He...he would've been as Robert was. One whore every night." Cersei said, but Tywin wasn't buying it.

"I fostered Davion at Casterly Rock so that he would never be Robert." Tywin said. "What was your real reason!?" Tywin was beyond angry at this point.

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