The Great War Part 1

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The soldiers marched forward outside the gates of the castle as they prepared for war. Samwell Tarlys hands were trembling as he knew what was coming. Thorak rested his hand on Samwells.

"If you want to go to the Great Hall, I'll understand. We all would." Thorak assured. He had just come from the Great Hall to see Tyene and Ellaria off. Davion had assured him that it would be the safest place.

"No...I want to stay and fight." Samwell insisted.

"Then calm yourself. You're making all of us more nervous." Thorak joked. Samwell smiled at Thorak and left to see Edd.

Outside the gates there was nothing but silence. Sansa watched as the two dragons flew over Winterfell.

Sam had finally arrived outside and stood next to Edd. "Oh for fuck sake. You took your time." Edd said.

Ser Jorah was on his horse and stood in the front with the Dothraki and Volantenes. He was also accompanied by Ghost and Agragon who both had armor made of dragonglass that Gendry had forged for them per Davions instructions. They saw something in the fog and it was Melisandre ridekng to them.

"Do you speak their tongue?" She asked Ser Jorah and he nodded. "Tell them to lift their swords." She started chanting and a few seconds later their swords were lit. The Dothraki screamed and the Volantenes howled. Ser Jorah smirked and nodded at Melisandre. She then rode to the gates and passed Grey Worm. "Valar Moghulis." She said.

"Valar Dohieris." Grey Worm said.

When she entered the gates, she was met by Ser Davos. "There's no need to kill me, Ser Davos. I'll be dead before dawn." Melisandre said.

The Dothraki Screamers and the Volantene forces charged forward with their flaming swords to meet their enemy. The catapult released the flaming projectiles. Agragon and Ghost followed the men as well. As they met the wights they were swarmed with the army of dead men. "Cease fire!" An Unsullied soldier shouted. There was a silence and a few seconds later the men rode back Ser Jorah rode on his horse and looked at Tormund. Agragon and Ghost also came back. The animals had a few scars, but nothing fatale.

Daenerys turned to Drogon, but was stopped by Davion. "Dany wait. We have to wait for the Night King."

"The dead are already here, Davion." Daenerys said with and attitude and forcibly removed her arm from Davions grip. Davion couldn't understand why Davion wasn't sticking to the plan.

Behind the walls Arya looked at Sansa. Take this. "Go down to the Great Hall." She said.

"I'm not abandoning my people." Sansa argued.

"Take this and go." Arya handed Sansa a dagger.

"I don't know how to use it." Sansa said.

"Stick 'em with the pointy end." Arya said. Sansa then nodded and left to the Great Hall.

Outside the soldiers were waiting for the Army of the Dead. They felt the ground rumbling as their enemy drew closer.

"Unsullied!" Grey Worm shouted qnd the Unsullied soldiers readied their spears.

"Volantenes!" The Volantene commander shouted and the Volantenes also readied their weapons. A darkness drew closer to then and the wights attacked. The Unsullied and Volantenes fought in the left flank. And the right was about to be swarmed as well.

"Stand your ground!" Brienne of Tarth shouted as the wights overran them. Beric Dandarrion waved his flaming sword and managed to kill a few wights. Podrik, scared as he was also fought them off. A few wights tackled Brienne and Ser Jaimie saved her. Many men were being killed.

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