The Flood

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Outside the gates of Kings Landing

Davion and his army were still waiting. Suddenly, a noise could be heard from behind the Golden Company. Davion smirked. That noise got louder as a dragon screeched. Suddenly, the walls exploded with flames as Rhaegal flew over. Before they left Dragonstone, Davion instructed Rhaegal to may waste to the army.

The Golden Company sellswords were depleted in half as Rhaegal flew away to join his brother, Drogon.

"For tomorrow!" Davion shouted and ran forward. His army followed him. When the Davions army met the Golden Company, they were already in fear of the Raging Storm. Davion killed seven men with one swing of Blackfyre. He then ran forward to kill some more.

Tormund watched as Davion danced with his sword. He saw a warrior, a king and a brother, but something was wrong with his friend. He could see anger in Davions eyes.

Davion watched as Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark joined the fight. They were closer to the gate than him. They looked back at Davion. "Go!" Davion shouted, knowing that Sandor only came here to kill his brother.

The men on top of the gates were no match for Davions archers and Rhaegal since he had burnt most of them. The scorpions on top of the gates were destroyed, and the army was nearly defeated. Davion, Jon, and the army cut through the Golden Company easily, and now they had entered past the walls.

"Commander, Grey. The people!" Jon shouted. Dario nodded. He and Grey Worm, with a few soldiers, ran forward to get the people away from the battle.

Mud Gate

Jaime had led the Dothraki and northern army through the mud gates so that the forces could be attacked from behind. Davion had told Jaime that his mother would be too foolish to have the mud gate protected, and he was right.

"Come on!" Jaime shouted, and the army followed him. In a few minutes, they joined in the fight.

"Run!" A Lannister soldier shouted.

"We have to leave!" Another Lannister soldier shouted.

The Lannister army was losing, and Cersei watched from her chambers how the walls were destroyed.

"Your grace?" Qyburn called out.

"All we need is one good shot." Cersei said. "We can kill her dragons."

"The scorpions have been destroyed, your grace." Qyburn said.

"The Iron Fleet holds Blackwater Bay. Euron can kill the dragons." Cersei convinced herself.

"Your grace, the Iron Fleet is burning." Qyburn told her. "The Golden Company -" Cersei cut him off.

"Our men will fight harder than sellswords ever could." Cersei spat. "They will defend their queen till the last man."

"Yes, your grace." Qyburn said.

"The Red Keep has never fallen. It won't fall today." Cersei said.

Davion, Jon, Mya, Gendry, and the rest of their army cut through the Lannister army. They were then met with the remaining army that was surrounded by Jaime, the northern, and the Dothraki.

The people were screaming in terror. They ran to shelter. "Ring the bells!" A commoner shouted.

"Please ring the bells!" Another commoner shouted.

"Come this way." Dario said.

"No. you're foreign scum!" A woman shouted.

"Yes, but I want to lead you to safety. Such is Davion Baratheons orders." Dario said.

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