Ready For War!

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"With respect, my king." Yara Greyjoy spoke up. "Cersei has betrayed us. She said that she would aid you in the North, but she didn't. We should storm King's Landing and kill her."

Davion sighed. "You're right. Other than killing my mother, your plan makes sense, but Lord Varys has received some news."

Varys stood up. "Cersei has brought the citizens of Kings Landing into the Red Keep. She wants us to attack so that the people can easily flock to her side and see both Davion and Daenerys as conquerers, not liberators."

"Lord Varys is right. I will not have the blood of innocent people on my hands. Neither will Davion." Daenerys finally spoke up.

"Perhaps you could meet with mother, Davion." Myrcella suggested. "She might see some sense."

"If it were that easy, I wouldn't need to assemble an army, sister." Davion said. "But you're right about one thing. We should meet with her. Lord Varys send a message to her to meet with us at the gates of Kings Landing."

"Yes, my king." Varys bowed and went to write his letter.

"Missandei, you stay here with Myrcella and Yara."Jon should arrive shortly and by then we'll have our answer from my mother." Davion said.

"Yes, my king." Missandei said.

"Grey Worm. I'll need you to watch the queen at all times. Do not let her out of your sight." Davion commanded.

"Of course, my king." Grey Worm bowed. Only a few people knew about Daenerys' pregnancy, but Davion wanted to make sure that she was protected.

"Thorak. I'll need you and Trystane at my side." Davion said.

"We are at you service, king Davion." Trystane said and Thorak nodded.

"Dario. You'll be needed at my side as well. As the new commander of the Volantene army." Davion said and Dario nodded. "If that is all, the queen must rest." Davion and Daenerys left their council.

Spoken like a true King." Yara smirked.

"Indeed." Tyrion said. He couldn't describe how proud he was of his nephew.

Davion and Daenerys' room

Davion and Daenerys arrived in their room and before they could close the door, they saw Thorak behind them.

"You're surprisingly cautious, brother." Thorak said.

"What do you mean?" Davion inquired.

"I know that you don't want to murder innocent people, but I know you well enough to know that something is wrong." Thorak said. "So what's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Davion said.

"Davion, I will follow you anywhere, always have and always will, but there's something that's bothering me. Something I noticed in Winterfell. Something that I don't know about you. So what don't I know?" Thorak pressed.

Davion sighed. He knew lying to Thorak was pointless. In fact he was proud that he was able to pick up that something was different.

Davion looked at Daenerys who nodded. "Daenerys is pregnant, we're going to have a baby."

"What?! That's incredible." Thorak hugged Davion and then Daenerys. "It explains a lot as well."

"Not many people know, so we would like if you didn't tell anyone." Daenerys said.

"My lips are sealed, but you both know that treating with Cersei is pointless." Thorak said.

"We have to try." Davion said. "I have to believe that there's something in her that's willing to change."

The Fury Of The Stormजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें