Beyond The Wall Part 1

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Castle Black

Davion, Jon, Ser Davos and Gendry arrived at Castle Black. Davion was speechless as to how magnificent the Wall looked. He wondered why he didn't come here sooner.

When they entered they saw the Lord commander of the Nights Watch and a Wildling. Before any introductions were made Jon told them about his plan and the six men sat down.

"Isn't it your job to talk him out of stupid fucking ideas, like this?" The Wildling, Tormund asked.

"I've been failing at that job of late." Ser Davos said and Davion smirked.

"How many queens are there now?" Tormund asked.

"Two." Jon said.

"And you need to convince the one with the dragons, or the one who fucks her brother?" Tormund asked and Gendry smirked.

"Both." Davion said.

Tormund looked at Davion. "Who are you?"

"The son of the queen who fucks her brother and the partner of the queen with the dragons." Davion said.

Tormund chuckled.  "I wouldn't want to to be your counselor." He then looked at Jon. "How many men did you bring?" He asked.

"Not enough. Jon said.

"The big woman?" Tormund asked, and Jon chuckled.

"We were hoping some of your men could help." Davion said.

"Hm. I'll be staying behind." Ser Davos said. "I'm only a liability out there, as you well know."

"You are." Tormund said. He then looked at Jon. "You really want to go out there? Again?" He asked and Jon nodded at him. "You're not the only ones." He said and Tormund and they arrived at the cells which housed a few people in there. "My scouts found them a mile south of the Wall. Said they were on their way here."

"You're the Hound." Jon said. "I saw you at Winterfell."

"Lord Beric?" Davion called out. He remembered him when Ned Stark sent him to bring the Mountain to justice.

"My prince." Beric greeted.

"They want to go beyond the Wall too." Tormund said.

"We don't want to go beyond the Wall, we have to." Beric said. "Our Lord told us that the Great War is coming..." Gendy interrupted him.

"Don't trust him." He said. "Don't trust any of them." Gendry walked closer to the cell. "They're the brotherhood, and the last thing thier lord told them to do, was sell me to a red witch to be murdered." Davion clenched his fist and before he could say anything Ser Jorah spoke up.

"Thoros?" He recognized one of the prisoners. "I hardly recognized you."

Thoros came out into the light for everyone to see him. "Ser Jorah Mormont." Thoros greeted. "They won't give me anything to drink down here. I haven't been feeling like myself."

Tormund looked at Ser Jorah. "You're a fucking Mormont? Like the last Lord Commander?" He asked.

Ser Jorah turned to face Tormund. "He was my father."

"He hunted us like animals." Tormund said.

"You returned the favor, as I recall." Ser Jorah said and Tormund grumbled.

"Here we all are, at the edge of the world, at the same moment, heading in the same direction fid the same reason." Beric said.

"Our reasons aren't your reasons." Davion said. "You worship the same god who would burn people alive than see sense."

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