The Whole Truth

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Mereen - Daenerys' camp

Davion watched as Missandei was teaching Grey Worm the common tongue. They had a plan to invade Mereen. It was simple, Grey Worm and a few Unsullied to pose as slaves and convince the slaves of Mereen to turn against their masters. The plan was Davions and the only who made sure that everyone knew it, was Thorak.

Just then Daenerys walked in with Ser Barriston and she blushed when she saw Davion. Davion turned to face her. "Is it time?" He asked.

"It's time." Daenerys said. She then looked at Missandei. "You'll continue this later."

"Yes, your grace." Missandei said. Missandei and Grey Worm left as did Ser Barriston. Once again Daenerys and Davion were alone.

"I appreciate your help with Grey Worm, Davion." She said.

"Thank Missandei," Davion said. "She's the one who spent hours helping him."

Daenerys smiled. "I was talking about your plan to take Mereen. I had planned to lay waste to the masters with the army or even with my dragons."

"Yes well, armies and dragons have one thing in common...casualties." Davion said. "I hate the masters, but they have children as well, and I refuse to blame a child for the sins of the parents and let's not forget the slaves and their families."

"The strength of a Baratheon and the mind of a Lannister." Daenerys said. "You truly are something else Davion Baratheon."

"The only blood that needs to be spilt are those of the masters." Davion pointed out. "No one else needs to die."

"No else needs to die." Daenerys repeated and smiled at him. He was the calming voice that she needed. He was the man that would love her until the end of her days. She knew that she he looked at her, he didn't see a queen, but someone who was trying only to good in the world. She hadn't told him about her daydream, they were in bed together and in Kings Landing. He was her king and she was his queen. The only thing that broke Daenerys heart was that she wouldn't be able to give Davion what he wanted most...a family. She couldn't have children thanks to the witch who cursed her after she lost her first baby. The truth was that she would have no problem giving Davion a child because she knows that he would love her and their children with all his heart.

The next day the slaves of Mereen killed their masters, as many as they could find. The former slaves were now cheering for Daenerys and threw down their collars as the dragon queen was walking with some children and couldn't help but think that she also wanted a family, but only with Davion. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw the slave masters being held captive by her soldiers. She saw Davion and he held out his hand to assist her in going up the steps. Daenerys smiled at him as she gladly took his hand. She saw the people of Mereen, slaves and slave masters looking at her.

"Remind me, Davion," She spoke up. "How many children did the Great Masters nail to mileposts?"

"One hundred and sixty three, your grace." Davion gritted through his teeth.

"Yes that was it." Daenerys said in anger. Now more than ever she wanted children of her own, and these masters without hesitation made them suffer. Now she has the chance to return the favor. She looked at Grey Worm and the commander of the Unsullied nodded at one of his soldiers.

"Your grace," Ser Barriston spoke up. "May I have a word? The city is yours. All these people, they're your subjects now. Sometimes it is better to answer injustice with mercy."

"The queen is right, Ser Barriston." Davion came to the defense of Daenerys. "These men killed little children and I'm sure that they did worse to the children before then. They deserve to suffer." Ser Barriston sighed. He understood why Davion wanted the masters to suffer, but he still missed the little boy who was full of light and laughter.

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