Heart to Heart

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Kings Landing

Cersei's chambers

Jaime Lannister was sitting in a chair as his missing hand was getting tended to by the disgraced maester Qyburn. The kingslayer groaned as he out the steel hand in the placed of where his hand used to be.

"A work of art, really." Qyburn said. "The craftsmanship is excellent."

"You like it so much, you're welcome to chop off your own hand and take it." Jaime suggested.

"Don't be such an ingrate." Cersei said as she took a cup of wine. "I spent days with the goldsmith getting the details just right."

"Days?" Jaime inquired.

"The better part of an afternoon." She said.

"There, how does that feel?" Qyburn asked.

Jaime moved his arm around. "A hook would be more practical."

"Elegant, I think." Cersei said. Qyburn then rose from the chair and walked to exit the queen mothers room. "Thank you for your help with the other matter." She said to Qyburn.

"The symptoms have abated?" He asked.

"Gone completely," Cersei said. "I am in your debt, maester Qyburn."

"Not a maester, your grace, but always happy to help." He looked at Jaime and bowed his head and then at the queen mother and left the room.

"Odd little man." Jaime said as soon as Qyburn left the room.

"I've grown rather fond of him." Cersei said. "He's quite talented you know."

"What symptoms?" Jaime asked.

Cersei chuckled. "Symptoms that are none of your concern."

"You let him touch you?" He inquired.

"You jealous?" She asked.

"I'm surprised." Jaime said. "You never let Pycelle near you, not even when you were pregnant."

Cersei chuckled again. "You think I'd let that old lecher put his hand on me?" She asked "He smells like a dead cat."

"I'm not sure I've ever smelt a dead cat." Jaime said.

"Well they smell like Pycelle." Cersei said.

"You drink more than you used to." Jaime noticed.

"Yes." She said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Hm, let's see, you started a brawl in the streets with Ned Stark and disappeared from the capital." She said. "My husband died in a tragic hunting accident."

"Must've been traumatic for you." Jaime said sarcastically.

"My eldest son left the capital and later died by the dragon whore." She said. "My only daughter was shipped off to Dorne. We suffered through a siege."

"A rather short siege." Jaime pointed out.

"A rather short siege that I did not expect to survive," Cersei said. "And now I'm marrying my second son to a wicked little bitch from Highgarden while I'm supposed to marry her brother, a renowned pillow biter so, hm." She raised her glass and drank her wine.

Jaime walked to Cersei and sat next to her.  "Father disowned me today."

"He can't disown you," Cersei said. "You're all his got."

"You're forgetting Tyrion." Jaime reminded her.

"Hm." Cersei said. "You don't really plan on staying in the Kingsguard, do you?" She asked.

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