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Kings Landing

Cersei Lannister watched as a man was painting the floor of the Red Keep. The man was painting the map of Westeros for the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She noticed how Jaime nodded at the painter to leave them alone and he left.

"What is this?" Jaime asked.

"It's what we've been waiting for our whole lives." Cersei said. "It's what father prepared us for whether he knew it or not."

"He knew it." Jaime said. "Made me memorize every damn city, town, lake, forest and mountain."

"It's ours now, we just have to take it." Cersei said and turned to face Jaime. "You've been quiet since you came home. Are you angry with me?" She asked.

"No, not angry." Jaime said.

"Are you afraid of me?" Cersei asked.

"Should I be?" Jaime inquired.

"Daenerys Targaryen has chosen Tyrion to be her Hand." Cersei said. "Right now they're sailing across the Narrow Sea, hoping to take back her father's throne. Our little brother, the one you love so much, the one you set free, the one who murdered our father and our first-born son, now he stands beside the woman that murdered my first-born son and gives her counsel. He's out there somewhere at the head of an armada. Where will they land?" She asked.

Jaime looked at the painted map on the floor. "Dragonstone. They have deep-water ports for the ships. Stannis left the castle unoccupied and, that's where she was born."

"Enemies to the east." Cersei said. "Enemies to the south. Elliaria Sand and her brood of bitches. Enemies to the west. Olenna, the old cunt. Another traitor. Enemies to the north. Ned Starks bastard has been named King in the North, and that murdering whore Sansa stands beside him. Enemies everywhere, were surrounded. You're in command of the Lannister army now. How do we proceed?" She asked.

"Winter is here." Jaime said. "We can't win if we can't feed our men and our horses. The Tyrells have the grain, the Tyrells have the livestock."

"Will the Tyrell bannermen stand alongside a Dothraki horde, Unsullied slave soldiers and the Volante army?" Cersei asked.

"If they think Daenerys will win." Jaime said. "No one wants to fight for the losing side. Right now, we look like the losing side."

"I'm the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." Cersei said.

"Three Kingdoms at best." Jaime pointed out. "I'm not sure you understand how much danger we're in."

"I understand we're in a war for survival." Cersei said. "I understand whoever loses dies. I understand whoever wins could last a dynasty that could last a thousand years.

A dynasty who whom?" Jaime asked. "Our children are dead. We're the last of us."

"A dynasty for us then." Cersei said.

Jaime sighed. "We never talked about Tommen."

Cersei turned and walked to get some wine. "There's nothing to say."

"Our baby boy killed himself." Jaime said.

"He betrayed me." Cersei said as she poured herself a cup of wine. "He betrayed us both. Should we spend our days mourning the dead?" She asked. "Mother, father and all our children."

"Cersei..." Jaime tried, but Cersei cut him off.

"But they're gone now and we're the still flesh and blood." She said. "We're the last Lannisters, the last ones who count."

"What of this man this...Raging Storm?" Jaime inquired. "Qyburn mentioned that he serves as Daenerys' principal advisors. He also mentioned that he has and army of fifty thousand men, and may be one of the greatest warriors who ever lived. He can fight with any weapon or with his hands and has the strength of ten men. How will you deal with him?"

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