Vengeance For The Fallen

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Davion and Daenerys' room

"I'm starting to think that you like seeing me." Davion heard his grandfathers voice. He was in Kings Landing, and Tywin Lannister was sitting on the Iron Throne.

"I wonder why." Davion said.

"In my younger years, I would hear tales of how dreaming of someone meant you're like that person." Tywin said.

"I'm nothing like you." Davion spat.

"Oh?" Tywin got off the throne and walked to his grandson. "Is that why you plan on killing your mother?"

"I don't want to kill her." Davion said.

"Lie to everyone. Your wife, your sister, your uncles. But you can not lie to yourself." Tywin said.

"You should've been there to stop my mother from throwing me away!" Davion spat. "Ned Stark and his family would be alive. There would be no war!"

"Perhaps, but we both know that this only ends with your mother and Eurons heads upon spikes." Tywin said.

"I can't do that." Davion said.

"Then be like your father. The demon of the trident." Tywin scoffed. "Robert was a hypocrite. He would've killed your mother if he knew of Joffery, Tommen, and Myrcella. Perhaps you could be like Ned Stark. He who was foolish enough to underestimate us. Or you could be like me. I've committed atrocities, and the realm feared me till the day I was murdered by your uncle." Suddenly, the Iron Throne started melting.

"I'm not my father. Davion spat. I'm not Ned Stark. My mother and Euron Greyjoy will beg me for mercy as I stand and watch them die." This made Tywin smirk.

"The realm was worried about Daenerys Targaryen, yet no one thought about what you were capable of." Tywin said.

"Davion? Davion wakes up." Daenerys said.

Davion opened his eyes. "Dany? What's wrong?" He asked.

"You were screaming in your sleep." Daenerys said.

"I'm sorry. It must have been a dream." Davion said.

"It sounded like a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?" Daenerys asked.

"No." Davion coldy dismissed. "I mean, I don't remember it."

"Of course." Daenerys knew something was wrong with her husband, but didn't want to push.

They heard a knock on the door. "Forgive my intrusion, but Ser Jaimie has arrived, your grace." Tyrion said.

"Good. We'll meet with him shortly." Davion said.

Painted table

Davion and Daenerys got dressed and met with Ser Jaimie.

"Uncle?" Davion greeted.

"Your grace." Ser Jaimie bent the knee. "I know that I said I would be in Winterfell, but if I stayed, he would've been lost along the way."

Davion then looked up and saw Tormund rush to him and hug him.

"My frozen stag!" Tormund laughed.

"Why did you come here?" Davion asked.

"On my way to Castle Black, I realized that I owed you for helping us. A southern king had no reason to aid the Free Folk, and yet you did." Tormund said.

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