Honoring The Fallen

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Kings Landing

Two days later

Cersei's room

The former queen sat in her chambers by order of queen Daenerys Targaryen. Even though she was happy that her son, Davion, was alive, she was filled with guilt.

Just then, Jaime entered her room. Grey Worm. Jaime greeted, and Grey Worm nodded at him. Might I speak to my sister alone? Grey Worm looked at Jaime. Jaime then gave his weapons to Grey Worm and left the room. Once they were alone, Jaime looked at his sister and former lover. "I should kill you."

"Why haven't you?" Cersei asked.

"Because it's not what your son would want." Jaime said. "I don't know what's worse. You being pregnant with Euron Greyjoys' child or the fact that you thought that you could win against Davion and Daenerys."

"I suppose he gets his resilience from his mother." Cersei said.

"I don't know who he gets it from, but it wasn't you or Robert. He's stronger than you both. He's smarter than you both." Jaime spat.

"What will he do to me?" Cersei asked. She was worried that Daenerys would have her killed.

"When Davion wakes, he will personally see to your punishment." Jaime said.

"He still alseep?" Cersei asked. "Perhaps I deserve to die. I only ask that he waits until I give birth to my child to carry out my execution." She said.

" Think he wants you dead? He's had many chances to kill you." Jaime said. "If he can show mercy to Euron Greyjoy, he can show mercy to anyone."

Davions room

Davion stirred in his sleep. He then opened his eyes and saw Daenerys sleeping on a chair.

"Dany?" He called out.

Daenerys woke up and looked at him. She then smiled and held his hand. "You're awake. You're finally awake."

"How long was I asleep?" Davion asked.

"Two days." Daenerys said.

"Are you angry with me?" Davion asked, knowing that some of his friends and family would be upset with him for his attitude.

"It depends on your reason." Daenerys said. "What was your nightmare about?" She asked.

Davion sighed and sat up with the help of his wife. "Thank you. Do you remember the first night we spent together on the ship when we sailed to Winterfell?" He asked.

Daenerys blushed. "How could I forget."

Davion chuckled and groaned. "Laughing hurts. I had a nightmare. I saw my grandfather, Tywin, on the throne, and he told me that you would never be safe. I thought that offering my mother her life would prove him wrong. On Dragonstone, after she rejected my offer, I had the same nightmare, and something in me broke. I only thought about protecting you and our child. I wanted them dead even if it meant that I had to be like them. I'm sorry, Dany."

Daenerys shed a few tears. She then held Davions hand. "You're not like them. You are Davion Baratheon, the Storm King and Father or Liberation. You are the Raging Storm. You are my husband and father of my child. I love you with all my heart, and that won't change." Daenerys leaned in to kiss Davion.

"Where are they?" Davion asked when they broke the kiss.

"Your mother was in her room. She's being watched by Grey Worm. Euron is in the black cells being watched by Dario." Daenerys said.

"Perhaps I should see to them?" Davion asked.

"I had your mother sent to the Dragonpit. There's something more important I want from you." Daenerys said.

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