Truth 10 (Shi Qingxuan)

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He Xuan has no idea how much time has passed.  What he does know is that this awkward atmosphere that had come from his truth has only just barely dissipated.  Shi Qingxuan hasn't moved from their spot for a while.  He Xuan is starting to get concerned about what is up with them.  Before he can ask though the sound of Shi Qingxuan's phone going off alerts the room.

Slowly getting up, Shi Qingxuan finds their phone to open it.  It takes a while for them to read over what they got, but by the end of it He Xuan can see their mood lighten up.  Wordlessly, they hand their phone for He Xuan to read as they silently buzz in excitement.  It must be pretty good news for Shi Qingxuan to snap out of their unexplained funk.

Unknown Number:

This will be your last one, so make it count.

Truth: If you won a million dollars, what would you do with the money?

Re-reading the text a couple of times, it finally registers in his brain what this means.  After He Xuan's turn, they can finally end this stupid game and get the fuck out of here.  He breaths out, "Fucking finally." As he hands the phone back to Shi Qingxuan.  The other replies, "I know, right?  I was getting so tired of being kept here.  Do you have any idea what stress does to people's skin?" He rolls his eyes at the other's dramatics but silently agrees with them.  Then they become silent as they look over what they are asked again.

They put the phone down and spent a while thinking over what answer they will give.  While they do that, He Xuan thinks of how he himself would answer the question.  He'd probably keep half the money for himself, for personal uses, and give the other half to people who need it more.  His musing is cut short when Shi Qingxuan says, "I know exactly what I'd do if I got that amount of money." He Xuan hums and gives them his full attention.

They then explain, "I would give a majority of it to my friends and charities that deserve it.  Like for the homeless, environment, kids in need, and others like that.  Then with whatever's left I'll put in my savings." He gives the other a fond look at the answer.  Shi Qingxuan, always the most compassionate person, even to those that don't deserve their kindness.  That would rather they themselves suffer if it meant someone else's happiness.  They are really too good for this world.  Too good for him.

Not letting that last thought affect him, he tells them, "That's something I can definitely see you doing." Shi Qingxuan shrugs, "I know how better I have it than most people around the world.  So if I managed to win that amount of money, I'd rather someone less fortunate have the money instead of me." He pauses a bit at hearing this.  Looking down he then asks, "What if someone with less fortune gets too greedy and asks for more than you're willing to give?"  After all, he knows how a lot of people act when given a large sum of money.  A majority of them would not think twice of taking advantage of that kindness and step all over said kindness when they are done.  There are good people out there, but when money is involved, a person with nothing will do anything to get that money.  It is an unfortunate part of human nature that he despises.  Something he has been trained to watch out for when handling finances.

At his question, Shi Qingxuan doesn't answer for a long time.  Then they say, "I don't know, maybe haggle with them.  It's my money to give but I won't let them take advantage of me like that if they demand for more." He Xuan nods approvingly.  When this Shi Qingxuan sets their mind to it, they will not be a doormat to anyone.  If a situation comes to the point where they need to defend themselves, then they will do so without question.  It is part of the reason why He Xuan admires their convictions so much.  As well as worries for them, because even when they decide to put their full trust in someone, that trust can be abused.  Like the situation with their brother.

The silence that comes between them this time is one of comfort.  He is still confused at what caused the earlier tension but won't bring it up if it is just going to break the peace.  However, He Xuan is the one to break the silence by asking, "What are you going to do when you get out of here?" Shi Qingxuan brushes their hair behind their ear before saying, "First thing I'm doing is finding out where my actual phone is, so that I can call the police.  Then I'm going home and sleep for the entire day.  This has been way too stressful." They then turn to give him a grateful look as they add, "But I'm glad you are the one that's here with me." He feels his eyes widen at this but confesses, "I'm glad it was you as well." Earning a pink cheeked smile.

Shi Qingxuan then asks, "What will you do?" He Xuan thinks about it.  There are lots of things he plans on doing when he gets out of here that he hasn't fully leveled out yet.  Before he can answer at all, his phone goes off.  Shi Qingxuan claps excitedly, "Your turn and then we're free to leave." Their enthusiasm is contagious, causing him to smile.  It is this moment he decides on two things that he will definitely do after this.  He will figure out a way to get Hua Cheng back for this, and then after a couple days ask Shi Qingxuan out on a proper date.  With a deep breath he grabs his phone and opens up the message app for the final time.

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