Dare 6 (Shi Qingxuan)

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He Xuan finally manages to get the taste of tequila out of his mouth thanks to the bag of nuts that Shi Qingxuan brought from the mini fridge.  Right after putting away the stuff from the dare.  He's sure this is the other's way of apologizing for not preparing He Xuan for the taste of alcohol he's never had before now.  These nuts are pretty good so he'll accept it.

When he's halfway through a new bag of snacks, the two of them make small talk with one another.  It's nothing special, just them b.s.ing with each other about random things.  It stared off with them debating which alcohol is better tasting while giving a good buzz.  He Xuan saying that it was wine, while Shi Qingxuan disagreed by saying it was cocktails mixed with flavored vodka.  It then went to comparing how much percentage of alcohol was in each drink they brought up.  Leading to Shi Qingxuan mentioning, "I think the alcohol percentage in tequila is about 40%." He Xuan's eyes had widened when he heard this.  No wonder that shit tasted so strong, he thought.  Then the whole conversation ended up devolving from there.

A lull then comes in the current conversation which promptly summons the now familiar sound of Shi Qingxuan's temporary notification noise.  Tongue in cheek, Shi Qingxuan moves to grab the phone.  It's clear from the other's reaction that they are both on the same page of being tired of this game.  They have no choice though.  The longer they wait to answer the longer they will remain in this room.  After reading over the text they look like they take another read through before saying the text out loud.

Unknown Number:

Dare: Put on the outfit in the chest and wear it for the rest of the game.

It takes He Xuan a bit to figure out what that means before the image of the front of a white button shirt in a package pops into his head.  That's right, there was a package of clothes that was in the chest when he went to get lotion from there.  He says as much to Shi Qingxuan, the other wonders to him, "Did you see what the outfit contained of?" He Xuan shakes his head, "I only saw the button up shirt." With a nervous but determined look, Shi Qingxuan gets up and heads for the chest.

When they open the chest, he sees them take in all the items that are in the chest before going ahead and pulling out the clear package containing the outfit.  They quickly close the chest and head back to sit next to He Xuan.  Like He Xuan stated, immediately visible on the package is the white button up shirt.  Shi Qingxuan turns the package around to see the back, but there's no luck there.  Due to the fact that the back of the package has thin, flat cardboard placed there.  As a way to keep the items behind the shirt unseen and the package from flopping around.  Not seeing any other option Shi Qingxuan settles the package between their legs, both thighs keeping the item from falling to one side or the other, and proceeds to open the plastic package.

With each item of clothing that comes out of the package, He Xuan can see the other visibly relax from their worrying.  Once all the clothes are carefully placed in front of them on the floor, Shi Qingxuan immediately tosses the package.  The both of them take a bit to examine what clothes where stuffed in the plastic package, neither of them wanting to break the silence of examination.  Currently on the floor are a white long sleeve button up shirt, blue high waisted plaid pleated skirt, white lace bralette, and white knee high socks.

Looking at this ensemble of clothes, He Xuan can't help but admire whoever picked this outfit.  They certainly have taste.  Then another thought occurs to him, and he almost wants to hit himself for not asking this before.  Turning to Shi Qingxuan, he asks them, "I didn't even think of asking, but what headspace are you currently in?" Shi Qingxuan just waves at him, "It's fine, with what's going on I don't blame you for not wondering before now." They then shift in their seat before answering, "I'm in my feminine headspace." That explains why they don't want their bare chest on display but didn't voice any discomfort when he felt up their chest in the second dare.  He Xuan doesn't voice this conclusion and only nods.

They then go ahead to grab both the button up and bralette before pausing.  He has a feeling he knows what they are going to ask, and sure enough they say, "Do you mind turning around while I get dressed?" Never mind the fact that they've seen each other half naked for this entire time.  He shrugs, "Sure, just let me know when you're done." Before turning his back to the other.  At first there is no sound for a few seconds, like they're making sure He Xuan won't sneak a peak, before the rustling of clothes sound through the room.

It feels like the whole dressing up takes about five minutes or less before Shi Qingxuan finally tells him, "Okay, you can turn around." With permission granted he turns back to face Shi Qingxuan.  His brain then screeches to a halt as he takes in the entirety of Shi Qingxuan in their outfit.  The button up fits just right on them and isn't transparent, so he can't see the bralette that they are wearing underneath.  Said shirt is artfully tucked into the high waisted skirt that only reaches the middle of their thighs.  The black knee length socks accentuate their long legs, as well as the anklet resting outside of the right sock.  Their brown medium length hair looks a bit tousled but in deliberate way that only adds to the outfit's aesthetic.

Overall, they look really good.  He realizes he's been staring silently for too long, especially at their bare thighs, because Shi Qingxuan starts fidgeting in place.  They then nervously ask, "Do I look alright?" He Xuan shakes his head to clear off his daze.  Once he is ready to speak he admits, "Alright?  You look fucking amazing, Qingxuan." They seem to be taken aback by this statement before a pleased look, complete with pink cheeks cross their face, "Thank you, He-Xiong.  That means a lot coming from you." Before finally sitting down.  

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