Dare 9 (He Xuan)

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Unknown Number:

Dare: Handcuff and blindfold your partner, then worship their body for three minutes.  Make sure they stay on your lap ;).

'You fucking asshole!' He Xuan exclaims in his head.  Since the phone is at an angle where Shi Qingxuan can sneak a peak at the screen, they make a little squeaking sound of embarrassment after reading the text.  He drops the phone as if it's burned him before running a hand through his hair.  He's going to fucking kill Hua Cheng when they both get out of here!  Turning their face to He Xuan, Shi Qingxuan asks weakly, "Are you going to do it?" When He Xuan only frowns and grinds his teeth together, Shi Qingxuan quickly says, "If it feels too much like you are doing this against my will, then I fully consent to what you need to do to complete the dare.  I'm fine with what we do as long as it's you." After a while, He Xuan lets out a breath and grits out, "Let's get this over with." Before looking to see how far the chest with the aforementioned stuff is from them.

Luck appears to be on their side, because the chest is only a couple feet away from where they are sitting.  Placing a steadying hand on their hip, He Xuan leans back and reaches out his free hand towards the latch of the chest.  When his fingertips grasp the metal he uses his full strength to fling the lid open and blindly search around for the needed items.  First pulling out the leather cuffs by the chain before the blindfold with a pinch of two fingers.  With the items in his hand, he leaves the chest open before slowly raising himself back up into his seated position.

He places the items on Shi Qingxuan's lap before grabbing his phone again to set up the timer.  Once the three minutes are in place, he wraps an arm around their waist and shifts to cross his legs.  It will make keeping Shi Qingxuan in is lap easier.  After that's handled, he grabs the cuffs, "Front or back?" Shi Qingxuan looks like they were in a daze before he asked the question.  Shaking their head they answer, "Back?" With uncertainty.  He Xuan nods in understanding before gathering both of Shi Qingxuan's wrists behind their back.  The inside of the cuffs have a soft material to prevent the fragile skin of their wrists from becoming irritated by the leather, one less thing for He Xuan to worry about as he places each cuff on each wrist.

Once the straps are secure, he reaches around to grab the blindfold.  Before he does anything though, he tells Shi Qingxuan, "If I do or touch anything that makes you feel uncomfortable at all, you say something and I will do something else, alright?" Shi Qingxuan turns their head to face him before asking, "You mean like using a safe word?" He Xuan doesn't hesitate before nodding, "That's exactly what I mean, just chose a word to use and if we're in agreement then we can finish this dare." Shi Qingxuan thinks about it for a bit before saying, "Black." He Xuan hums, "Interesting." Shi Qingxuan is quick to defend themselves, "People say a safe word can be anything, and for some reason the word black popped into my mind." He Xuan soothes them, "I'm not disagreeing with you, I just said it was interesting." Then pulling the blindfold between both hands he asks, "You ready?" Shi Qingxuan looks a bit nervous but takes a breath and turns their head forward, "Do it." Receiving the go ahead, he wraps the silky material across their eyes and ties it securely behind their head.

Making sure the knot is tied tight, he places his hands gently on their shoulders, "Remember anything uncomfortable and you say the word." Shi Qingxuan just nods causing He Xuan to tighten his hold on their shoulders, "Verbal answers." He growls in reprimand.  Shi Qingxuan takes a quick inhale before replying, "Yes, I understand." He loosens his grip before rubbing the shoulders in a soothing motion.  Then he reaches one of his hands to the phone.  His finger hovers over the start button before counting down aloud, "3...2...1." As soon as the last number leaves his lips he presses the button and the timer starts the countdown.

At first he starts out slow, caressing their arms in an up and down motion to ease them.  Then as Shi Qingxuan relaxes he moves the whole span of his hands across their stomach before reaching up to cup their breasts.  Shi Qingxuan flinches a bit before settling down, the tips of their ears turning pink from his viewpoint.  Not hearing the safe word, He Xuan brushes his hands over the clothed flesh underneath his palms.  He hears Shi Qingxuan stifle a sound squirms a bit.  At the brush of their ass to his lower half, one of his hands quickly grab their hip hard, "Don't move." He grits out before caressing the hip in a silent apology for the rough grab.

The hand still on their breast releases it, after a quick swipe to a clothed nipple with his thumb, down to their waist.  Causing another hitch of breath.  With both hands he rubs their waist and hip and spans his hands across their stomach again.  His movements never static as he silently wishes there is no button up shirt between him and Shi Qingxuan's skin.  All the while Shi Qingxuan lets out hitched breaths and stifled noises.  He stares at the crook of the other's neck in front of him as his hands move to span their thighs.  Oh how badly he wants to bite at the bare flesh barely an inch away from his mouth.

Instead he appeases his baser instincts by kissing the sensitive point.  Leaving open-mouthed kisses starting from the crook and climbing up the side of the other's neck as he caresses their thighs.  Raising the skirt as he does so, this time causing a moan to escape Shi Qingxuan's lips as they twitch their hips to the touch.  Biting down a groan of his own at both the reaction and the movement to his groin, He Xuan keeps one hand to the other's thigh while the other climbs back to one of their breasts.  Cupping the petite mound while the other hand thumbs at the hickey he left behind on the thigh.  By this point, Shi Qingxuan doesn't stop the moans and whimpers leaving their mouth.  They push their chest forward and spread their legs a bit more, just to keep the touches going.

This is both torture and absolute paradise.  Shi Qingxuan is so responsive to his touches.  The way they lean into his gentle fondling and stretch out their neck to give him enough room to keep the kisses spread out, is driving him fucking crazy.  If he wasn't hard before he definitely is now.  Which is why it is both relieving and frustrating when the beeping of the timer goes off.  Letting out a frustrated breath he reaches over to the phone to turn off the annoying noise.  Once silent, he presses his forehead onto Shi Qingxuan's shoulder to calm himself down.

The only sounds in the room are the harsh breathing coming from both He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.  Then Shi Qingxuan shifts their hips down, ass coming directly in contact with the very obvious erection.  He Xuan quickly grabs their waist to still them but it is already too late.  A tense silence comes between them both before Shi Qingxuan asks, "Is that what I think it is?" He Xuan lets out a huff, only replying, "I told you not to move." No one says anything after that, each of them just sits still. 

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