Dare 1 (Both)

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After reading the text, the both of them look at each other without saying anything.  Before another text pings on the two phones.  Sighing, He Xuan reminds his companion, "As long as we play by their rules we will get out of here, okay?" Still shaking a bit, Shi Qingxuan can only mutter, "Okay." Before the both of them see what the new text says.

Unknown Number:

To start things off, I'll give you a dare.  Both of you take one piece of clothing off of the other.

Reading this dare, He Xuan has the feeling of deja vu.  Where has he heard this dare before?  Before he can think further on this, he's interrupted by Shi Qingxuan exclaiming, "Thank god!  I thought the dare was going to be something worse." He Xuan winces.  They're going to jinx the both of them if they keep up that kind of talk.  Hoping not to make things any worse, He Xuan says, "Let's get this over with." While putting down the phone and turning to face Shi Qingxuan.

In response, Shi Qingxuan places their phone down and turns to him.  They then ask, "Should we decide what item to take off of each other or just do it?" He Xuan just shrugs, "I personally don't care what you take off of me.  What about you?" Shi Qingxuan actually takes a bit to think.  They then say, "Not my shirt, I don't feel comfortable being topless without my bralette." He Xuan nods in understanding.  After a second, he says, "I promise I won't take your top off." Shi Qingxuan smiles, "Thanks, He-Xiong." Before moving to grab the hem of He Xuan's sleep shirt.

At Shi Qingxuan's questioning look if this was okay, He Xuan nods his permission.  Without any further delay, they slip off his sleep shirt.  He holds his arms up to help the movement be more smooth.  Once the item is off, Shi Qingxuan carefully folds it up before putting it on the side.  Looking up at him, they end up pausing when they see He Xuan's upper half.  Feeling weird about being stared at so intently, He Xuan utters a, "What?" Causing Shi Qingxuan to blink.  Coming back to themselves, they say, "Sorry, I just didn't realize how fit He-Xiong is, and that you have some cool tattoos." He feels heat stain his cheeks as he shrugs his shoulders, "It's no big deal." But Shi Qingxuan shakes their head, "Seriously, you have some amazing tattoos, I don't think I have enough pain tolerance to endure those kinds of big pieces." He doesn't answer them this time.  It really isn't that big of a deal to have them.  It just feels more right having the draconic sea serpent twisting from his right bicep to chest, the bone arowana fish across his left side, and the blue flame with his family's names on his left upper arm forever etched on his skin.

Then remembering the situation they are currently in, he scolds himself for getting distracted in the first place.  Clearing his throat, he uncrosses his arms and looks over the other's appearance.  They aren't just wearing bunny print pajamas, they have on glass bead earrings and the braided bracelet He Xuan gave to them for their birthday last year.  Since Shi Qingxuan said once that they consider accessories as another form of clothing, then He Xuan has plenty of options to choose from.

In the end though, he's not sure if accessories count for this dare.  So he resigns himself before asking, "Are you alright being without pants?" This time Shi Qingxuan is the one supporting a blush on their cheeks.  It's barley a second later that they say, "Sure, I got my underwear on underneath so I don't have to be worried about flashing you." He Xuan huffs at their shameless comment before moving to get to it.

Moving so that he is sitting right next to Shi Qingxuan, he places his hands on the waistband of their pants.  After making sure he hasn't accidently grabbed their underwear as well, he begins pulling down.  Shi Qingxuan lifts their hips up off the ground to help.  He doesn't mean to look but he catches what kind of underwear Shi Qingxuan is wearing before forcing his eyes to focus on their pale thighs instead.  Even so, the sight of those white boy shorts is seared into his brain.  The way the item is set so perfectly on the other's lower body causes a tiny bolt of arousal to shoot through him.  Taking a deep breath to control himself he finishes with pulling the pants off one leg at a time.

Once the pajama pants have been removed, he folds them with the same care that Shi Qingxuan did with his shirt.  He then places the pants right beside the mentioned shirt before sitting back.  He takes one glance at the other to see how they are doing.  Finding Shi Qingxuan side-sitting while they pull the hem of their pajama shirt to cover as much of their lap as possible.  When they are settled, they look at He Xuan, "Just out of curiosity, why didn't you take off one of my jewelry instead of my pants?" He Xuan explains, "You can't be sure what our captor means by clothes.  They could mean just the shirts and pants we have on, or they could mean accessories as well.  I didn't want to risk being wrong and enacting an accidental punishment for us." Shi Qingxuan nods while humming, "When you put it like that, it does make sense." They then move to stretch their back, groaning in satisfaction when they manage to get a couple of pops in.

As they do this, He Xuan suddenly notices something on one of their delicate looking ankles catching a glint in the light.  Seeing what it is he's surprised he didn't notice this item before now.  On the right ankle is a silver anklet with three flatly pressed, light blue stones on the chain.  Having never seen this, He Xuan wonders aloud, "Where did you get that?" Making Shi Qingxuan pause to look at him.  With a confused look they ask, "Get what?" He Xuan says, "That." While pointing at the item in question.  Looking in his direction, Shi Qingxuan exclaims, "Oh, you're talking about my anklet." Before stretching out their right leg as a way for He Xuan to get a better look.

From what He Xuan can see the stones are genuine, high quality turquoise.  Even though the chain looks like it's made of sterling silver he can tell because of the quality of the stones that the item must have costed a lot.  As he's examining the anklet he hears Shi Qingxuan explain, "I went to this fundraiser market with my boss, and this kind aunty was selling a lot of these jewelry with turquoise stones in them.  I saw this anklet and thought it looked nice.  So with encouragement from the aunty I tried it on, and fell instantly in love with it.  It costed quite a bit but it was worth it." They then move their leg in a way that means they want He Xuan's attention.  Looking up with a questioning look, Shi Qingxuan smiles before asking, "So what do you think, does it look cute on me?" He Xuan tells them honestly, "I think it suits you pretty well." Shi Qingxuan pouts, "Yeah, but is it cute on me?" He Xuan narrows his eyes at this.

He knows Shi Qingxuan by now to know that this is their attempt at trying to fish a complement from him.  Well, it didn't work then, and he won't give them the satisfaction now.  So he looks at one of the walls while saying, "No comment." This earns him an affronted noise from them, "So rude!" They exclaim before hitting him in the arm with their foot.  Not really surprised by this reaction but still startled at getting hit with a foot, he exclaims a, "Hey!" Before Shi Qingxuan shoots back, "That's what you get for being rude." And then sticking their tongue out like they are a kid.  He Xuan rolls his eyes at this, all too used to their childish antics.  

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