Dare 10 (Shi Qingxuan)

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After a very long while, He Xuan feels like he's finally gotten a hold of himself and moves to get the restraints off of Shi Qingxuan.  Starting off with the blindfold first.  As he does this Shi Qingxuan asks, "Are you going to be okay?" He pauses to think about what Shi Qingxuan is asking.  A few seconds pass before he moves once more and answers, "I'll be fine, it'll go down on it's own as long as you keep still." Shi Qingxuan hums.  He wants to say something like 'It's not the first time I've dealt with blue balls' but he will not be that crass.  Finally the blindfold is off, Shi Qingxuan blinking their eyes to get used to the dim lighting again while He Xuan deals with the straps of their cuffs.

Once they too are off, he tosses the items aside.  Then moves their arms away from their back and begins massaging their arms and wrists to get their blood flow back.  Shi Qingxuan whispers, "Thanks." As he continues the massage, he replies, "Don't thank me for taking care of you." They chuckle a bit before they playfully argue, "How else am I supposed to show you my gratitude?" He Xuan makes no comment as he finishes the massage and goes to fix their skirt.

With everything settled, they both just sit and wait.  They don't have to wait too long.  It seems only a minute passes before a text notification sounds from Shi Qingxuan's phone.  They reach over to grab the device, being careful about how they distribute their weight on the other's lap.  After it is in their hold, they just as carefully move back, before opening the message.  Barely a second passes before they shout, "A dare!" And leave He Xuan's lap.  He Xuan is quick to cover the tent in his sleep pants as Shi Qingxuan sits across from him to continue reading their text and then showing the other what is on it.

Unknown Number:

Dare: Put make-up on your partner's face.

He gives the words an unimpressed look before Shi Qingxuan puts the phone away.  Upon seeing his reaction, they go to tease, "At least this will give us time to calm down from that intense scene there." He Xuan just rolls his eyes, "Whatever." As Shi Qingxuan moves to put the handcuffs and blindfold away.  They then come back to sit in front of him with a clear plastic bag full of make-up items.

In his past life he went along with changing into his female form with Shi Qingxuan to show he didn't care that the other did so.  While he will admit to himself his yin energy felt more powerful in that form, and was therefor useful, he did not like being a masculine individual in a feminine body.  It always felt like an uncomfortable suit when he would change into that form.  Much like in this life, how he supports female rights but would rather be caught dead than to anything considered feminine on himself.  Not that he has anything against male identifying individuals wearing make-up, it's just not his thing.

He doesn't realize how stuck in his head he is until Shi Qingxuan waves a hand in front of his face, "Earth to He-Xiong, can anybody copy?" Blinking a bit, he discovers that Shi Qingxuan has already gotten the make-up items out of the bag and is ready to begin.  Next to them are two compact packs probably for foundation and powder respectively, some sort of bottle, a powder brush, lipstick, what may be eyeliner, and maybe a compact pack of eyeshadow.  He still frowns seeing this stuff, Shi Qingxuan tells him, "Come on, it might be fun for you." After a sigh of reluctance he threatens, "If you do anything like clown make-up on me, I will kill you." Shi Qingxuan gasps at this.  They place a hand on their chest with an affronted look on their face, "You wound me, He-Xiong.  I would never do anything so underhanded." They then scoot closer to where their knees touch before saying, "I swear, you are going to look beautiful by the time I'm finished." After another sigh, he says, "Fine." Causing them to clap their hands in excitement.

Grabbing the bottle first they tell him, "Alright, close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you so." He does as told.  He then feels wet fingers skim across his face before Shi Qingxuan informs him, "This is what's called base primer, it helps moisten the skin to get ready for make-up and helps make it easier to remove the make-up afterwards." He just hums in understanding.  Then after a minute, something that feels like a sponge starts swiping his face, "Foundation." Shi Qingxuan announces as they work.  They do the same when the powder comes and the eyeshadow.

Though he doesn't want to admit it, the movements on his face have a very calming effect on him.  The pent up energy he built up during the last dare fading the longer Shi Qingxuan works.  While they use the eyeliner they ask, "Did Fen not have a dressing up phase to drag you in?" He explains, "She did, but the one time she tried to do make-up on me, we had a wrestling match when she brought an eyelash curler near my eyes.  So only I did make-up on her." Shi Qingxuan chuckles, "That does sound like you, He-Xiong." Before telling him, "Okay, part your lips a bit, I'm going to be doing lipstick next." He does so, feeling the waxy texture of the lipstick going across them.

When the feeling is gone, Shi Qingxuan exclaims, "Alright, now just rub your lips together a bit and we're done." He presses his lips together to rub them before releasing them with a pop and opens his eyes.  Shi Qingxuan hands him one of the compacts with a mirror inside, "See my fabulous work for yourself." Taking the compact, he examines what Shi Qingxuan did to his face in the mirror.  As he looks he has to admit, Shi Qingxuan did a good job and knows what they are doing.  They decided to give him a smokey eye look with grey and black eyeshadow and it is paired well with the light beige lipstick on his lips.

As his way of telling Shi Qingxuan he did a good job, he says, "Not bad." Shi Qingxuan smiles, "See, I told you I would make you beautiful." He rolls his eyes but doesn't deny anything.

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