Dare 5 (He Xuan)

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They stay this way for a while, Shi Qingxuan moving so they can both unfold their legs to lay across the floor but they do not get up from his lap.  He Xuan doesn't mind the position.  It gives him a chance to absentmindedly play with the hem of their shirt as he keeps a loose grip on their waist.  However, most peaceful things never last too long.  Case in point when the notification sounds off of his phone.

Pressing his forehead on the crook of Shi Qingxuan's neck, he takes a steading breath before lifting up his head and softly tapping the other's hip, "I've got to get that." Nodding in understanding Shi Qingxuan gets off of He Xuan.  He immediately misses the contact but puts it on the backburner for now.  Finding where he tossed his phone he unlocks it and reads.

Unknown Number:

Dare: Do a body shot (supplies are in the mini fridge).

Reading the text he is confused.  He has to do a what?  Lucky for him though, he is with the person that knows more trending slangs than he does.  Turning to Shi Qingxuan he asks, "What the hell's a body shot?" Shi Qingxuan proceeds to stare at He Xuan like he grew a second head.  They ask in disbelief, "You've never heard of a body shot?  Haven't you ever been at a party?" He levels Shi Qingxuan a look as he snarks, "When there's food." Even with experience in negotiating with clients to get their finances on track, he is not a social person.  The only way anyone is able to drag him to a social event is if there is a promise of food being there.  A habit from his past life that passed on into the present life.

Hearing this Shi Qingxuan pinches the bridge of their nose, "Aiyah, He-Xiong." Sighing they sit up and explain the meaning of the words, "A body shot is when you choose someone to lay down on a flat surface.  The partner is barely clothed when this happens.  After the partner is settled then you sprinkle salt on any part of their body, pour tequila into their bellybutton, and place a slice of lime in their mouth.  Then you proceed to lick off the salt, drink the tequila, and bite the lime.  Mainly because even without a body shot that is the way you should usually drink a tequila." By the end of the explanation, He Xuan is now the one looking at Shi Qingxuan like they're crazy.  Still perturbed he asks, "Why would anyone do that?" Confused, Shi Qingxuan raises an eyebrow as they state, "Because it's fun and an interesting thing people do at parties or clubbing." They act as if He Xuan doesn't understand a basic thing that happens.

The next second though they shake off their surprise, "Wait, why are you even asking about body shots?" He Xuan explains, "My dare is to do a body shot." With an intrigued look on their face they ask, "There are stuff for that here?" Instead of saying anything He Xuan just nods over to where the mini fridge in the room is at.  Looking in that direction, Shi Qingxuan immediately smacks themselves on the forehead, "Right, duh, of course they would be in there." Before getting up to get the things needed for the body shot.

It takes a bit of rummaging and Shi Qingxuan exclaiming, "Sweet!  There's snacks in here too, I was getting a bit hungry." Before they come back with several things.  A small salt container, a 2oz bottle of tequila, and a bowl full of sliced limes.  Placing the items next to He Xuan, they say, "Since I'm your only partner, I give you full permission to use my body to achieve the dare." With that they lay down on the ground with their arms at their sides.

He Xuan is still a bit unsure about all this, but he shakes his head and mentally prepares for what he will do.  Remembering that Shi Qingxuan said the alcohol needs to go into the bellybutton, he moves to sit at Shi Qingxuan's side and grabs the hem of their shirt.  Before lifting it, he asks, "How high are you comfortable with the shirt being?" Shi Qingxuan lifts their hands to touch underneath the swell of their breasts, "As long as it doesn't pass this part I'll be fine." Nodding in understanding, he moves the shirt up until the mentioned limit, while Shi Qingxuan lowers their arms back to their sides.

With the shirt out of the way, it causes He Xuan to quickly become distracted seeing the bare torso on display.  Again that feeling to mark up the unblemished skin flares up.  He has to tear his eyes away before he can get too distracted.  Focusing back on the task he grabs the salt container first before pausing.  He's spilled salt on himself before and knows that salt will slip off of skin easily, so he's going to need to add saliva before starting so it can stick.  Not only that but he has no idea where to even sprinkle the contents.  Not sure what to do, he asks, "I just sprinkle the salt on your body?" Shi Qingxuan nods, "Yeah, you can do it anywhere, as long as it's not past the limit of my shirt and below my knees." Nodding he tries to figure out where is safe and best to sprinkle the salt.

He picks Shi Qingxuan's left inner wrist, turning said wrist to show off the inner working veins.  Gathering enough saliva in his mouth, he swipes two fingers across his lips to collet the spit and uses those fingers spread a small circle onto the delicate flesh.  He then carefully sprinkles the salt onto the shinning part of the skin.  The salt immediately sticking in place.  After that is finished, he puts the container away and grabs the small tequila.  Upon cracking the top open he proceeds to slowly pour the contents into Shi Qingxuan's bellybutton.  Only to quickly pause when they let out a startled yelp.  Shooting him a scowl they gripe, "That's freaking cold, warn me next time!" Reminding him that these items came from a cold space.  He mutters, "Sorry, here it comes." Before continuing the pouring until it seems like enough.

Screwing the cap back on, he puts the now half empty bottle away and grabs one of the sliced limes from the bowl.  Turning back around, Shi Qingxuan already has their mouth parted to receive the lime slice.  Once he makes sure enough of the rind is secure in their mouth, he takes a moment to center himself.  Inhaling deeply, he feels ready enough to do this.  He tells Shi Qingxuan, "Don't move." A muffled reply of, "I won't." Gives He Xuan enough courage to get this dare over with already.  Without further ado he begins.

Gently grabbing their arm, he leans down a bit while raising their arm up to level with his mouth.  As soon as his lips touch skin, he opens his mouth and takes a quick lick of the salt.  The taste automatically setting his taste buds alight.  He doesn't let this deter him as he lets the limb drop and then moves to latch his mouth onto the liquor filled bellybutton.  Sucking it up, he is immediately trying not to gag at the strong taste of herbs mixed with diesel fuel.  Forcing himself to swallow he rises to capture the lime in Shi Qingxuan's mouth with his own.  The sour, citrus flavor helps to lessen the flavor of the alcohol but only by a bit.  Shi Qingxuan loosening their mouth's grip on the lime so He Xuan can sit back with the slice still between his lips.  After using his hand to take the lime out of his mouth, his body finally registers the alcohol that entered as he sticks out his tongue and starts gagging.

Settling down a bit he says, "Fuck, that's strong." Before sucking on the lime again in hopes of getting the awful taste out.  He notices Shi Qingxuan sitting up on their elbows after they ask, "Was that your first time having tequila?" Letting go of the lime, he narrows his eyes at Shi Qingxuan, "What do you think?" It was and he is now confident enough to say, he'd rather die again then drink tequila.

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