Dare 2 (Both)

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Once Shi Qingxuan has calmed down from their friend's joke, the two just lay on the blanketed floor.  As they lay there, Shi Qingxuan has their hands on their stomach as they talk about everything and nothing.  He Xuan just lays beside them with his hands behind his head and listening to everything his companion is saying.  Occasionally putting his input at times but remaining quiet overall.  Until a new notification sounds in the room once more.  Without further prompting, He Xuan grabs both of their phones, handing Shi Qingxuan theirs while he makes the automatic motions of checking his.

Unknown Number:

Dare For Both: Each of you find your partner's sensitive spots.

Narrowing his eyes at the text he seriously debates crushing the phone he has in his hand right now and demanding Hua Cheng to knock it off.  However, the blackmail hanging over him stops him from being drastic.  Sighing, he all but tosses his phone somewhere on the ground before he sits up.  Shi Qingxuan also sits up with a frown.  They look unsure about something before fretting, "I want to ask something, but I don't want you to think I'm stupid." He Xuan levels a look at the other, "If you want to know something then get the question over with already." Shi Qingxuan visibly relaxes before going ahead and wonders aloud, "I know what a sensitive spot is, but how do you exactly find it on someone else?" He Xuan raises an eyebrow.  That was actually not as stupid of a question as he thought it was going to be.

He takes a bit to think on how to explain it for Shi Qingxuan to understand.  Finally he explains, "When you're finding someone's sensitive spot or spots, you have to keep a close eye on certain reactions.  Not everyone might have the same spots that drive them as crazy as you do.  So you can caress or kiss at parts of the body to see what spots make them respond to stimulation more than others." He tries to figure out how to explain better when he remembers an encounter that he had with one of his dates.  Clearing his throat he continues, "For example, one of the people I had slept with had a sensitive back.  Whenever I caressed specific spots on their back they constantly arched their back into my touch so that they could get more." Hearing this causes Shi Qingxuan's eyes to widen, "You can get off by having your back caressed?" He Xuan utters an affirmative hum.  Shi Qingxuan continues to look shocked as they take in the information that He Xuan has given them.

After a while, Shi Qingxuan nods their head, "Okay, I think I get it." They then move to sit in front of He Xuan, "So, how are we going to do this?" He Xuan thinks the same as he lowers his eyes to the ground.  He then comes up with a solution.  Taking a deep breath, he tells Shi Qingxuan, "How about this, you caress any spot on my body and when you find my sensitive spot I'll let you know.  Then I'll do the same with you, sound fair?" Shi Qingxuan looks a bit unsure at first but as they think about it they nod their head, "I'm alright with it as long as you are." He Xuan hums before leaning back and unfolding his legs from underneath him.  Showing that he was ready whenever Shi Qingxuan is.

Shi Qingxuan gulps a bit in nervousness before taking a deep breath and places their hands on He Xuan's ankles.  When they look up at their companion, he only nods his head for them to continue.  With this encouragement, Shi Qingxuan looks down again to focus on their task as they move their hands up He Xuan's shins in a caress.  They continue up past the other's knees and thighs, no reaction.  Careful of his lower half they skirt their hands to lightly squeeze his hips.  This still causes no reaction, other than a steadying breath a the closeness of touch.

It isn't until Shi Qingxuan comes in contact with the other's bare torso that there is finally something.  As soon as their fingertips slide up his waist, He Xuan's breath hitches and he gasps out, "There." Causing Shi Qingxuan to pause.  They look up at He Xuan, seeing him have a heated expression across their face.  To confirm they keep looking at He Xuan's face and ask, "Here?" Before caressing his sides more firmly.  A gasp escapes He Xuan's lips before he snatches Shi Qingxuan's wrists and grits out, "Yes, right there." He then gently moves their hands away from where they were at lets go once the hands are back in their space.

They feel a flush on their cheeks as they lower their arms to the ground.  They then straighten their legs out, saying, "I guess it's your turn now." He Xuan lets out a noncommittal noise before he shifts into a better seating position.  Without further ado, He Xuan places his hands on the other's bare/jeweled ankles and begins his examination.  When he comes to their thighs, Shi Qingxuan flinches and sighs a bit.  Looking up at them, he asks, "Here?" Shi Qingxuan shakes their head, "They're sensitive, but that's not it." He Xuan nods in understanding.  Giving one more squeeze to satisfy himself before he continues.

He's careful not to raise the other's shirt as he moves the examination to their torso.  When he reaches their chest though, he looks up questioningly.  Shi Qingxuan tells him, "As long as you keep it over my shirt, it's okay." He nods in understanding before caressing their chest.  Being careful when his fingertips shape the petite breasts there.  When he reaches the sides of their neck, Shi Qingxuan gasps and closes their eyes as they unconsciously expose their neck for more touch.  At this, he caresses their neck again and this time they bite their lip to stifle a noise.  Feeling heat building up in his lower abdomen, he feels his eyes go half lid as he asks, "Here?" Continuing to bite their lip Shi Qingxuan can only nod.

Without thinking He Xuan moves one of his hands off of Shi Qingxuan's neck and lowers his lips to the exposed side.  Shi Qingxuan all but shivers at this, "H-He-Xiong?" He Xuan doesn't respond instead he continues to brush his lips over the exposed, vulnerable flesh.  He then places a gentle kiss where their shoulder and neck meet.  Causing Shi Qingxuan to jolt and an involuntary noise to slip out.  Hearing this causes He Xuan's brain to short circuit, and he places a more firmer kiss on that spot and travels up.  He feels Shi Qingxuan grasping his arms and let out little whimpers which drives him crazier.  Until he's jolted out of it by one of their hands grasping at his side.

With shaky breaths, Shi Qingxuan tells him, "If you don't stop, I'm going to pinch your side really hard.  Don't think I won't." Hearing the threat his consciousness slowly comes back to him.  By the time he is fully conscious of thought he realizes what he is doing and quickly lets go of Shi Qingxuan.  Looking at the ground as be backs away, he mutters, "I'm sorry." Shi Qingxuan clears their throat and waves their hand, "It's alright, it was just overwhelming is all." In response He Xuan keeps silent and tries to calm himself down.  That was too damn close. 

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