Dare 7 (He Xuan)

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Shi Qingxuan seems to really like the outfit that have on.  If the way they keep fiddling with the hem of their skirt to make it flare in a certain way is anything to go by.  As well as the little pleased smile that has yet to leave their face.  He Xuan can't blame them, he meant what he said when they looked great in this outfit.  He can't see anyone else being able to pull it all off as well as Shi Qingxuan.

He gets pulled out of his musings by the sound of his phone going off.  Not finding it in him to be annoyed anymore he just resigns himself to his fate and grabs the object.  Only to feel heat flood his cheeks after reading the latest text.

Unknown Number:

Dare: Give your partner a hickey on their either of their inner thighs.

Damn his drunken ramblings with Hua Cheng about his fixation on Shi Qingxuan's thighs.  It's not as if he's the only one that has noticed how fit the other's legs are.  However, due to his feelings for Shi Qingxuan, the fixation goes beyond simple admiration.  Whenever he sees the muscles of their thighs move in states of flexing and tensing, he can't help but imagine other scenarios with the movements.  Specifically involving him manhandling the other or biting into the sensitive skin, or even pressing his fingers so hard into the muscles that the delicate skin bruises.  Crap, now he's doing it again.

Even after shaking his head the flush of his cheeks do not recede, instead it grows thanks to the images in his head.  Even more so when Shi Qingxuan wonders aloud, "Why's your face so red?" He just scoots his phone close enough to them so they can grab it before trying his best not to look in their direction.  God, this is so embarrassing.  He and Shi Qingxuan are both in their late twenties for heavens sake, and here he is acting like a horny teenager all over again.  He thought he was past this kind of stuff already.

The silence in the room does not help him whatsoever.  Taking a quick glance at Shi Qingxuan from the corner of his eye, he sees they had already put his phone down and are also blushing up a storm.  At least he's not the only one acting like this.  However, this is getting ridiculous.  Taking a deep breath he scolds himself, thinking, 'Come on, your both adults and you are hardly a virgin.  Stop being an idiot and man the fuck up.' Feeling the flush finally go away, he says, "Well, if you're ready, let's get it over with." Shi Qingxuan just nods before they lay down on the floor.  He's tempted to thank whoever came up with the idea to place a bunch of blankets on the floor.  Because the amount of times the both of them have been laying on this floor would have probably left them sore into next week.

Taking another calming breath, he moves to sit between Shi Qingxuan's legs.  Looking up at Shi Qingxuan's now pink face, he places his hands on their calves, "I'm going to have to move your legs around a bit if we want to get this dare done, okay?" Biting their lip a bit, they nod before saying, "I trust you, He-Xiong.  I'm just a bit embarrassed is all." He Xuan only nods in understanding.  He then slowly moves the other's legs wide enough for him to fit when he then lays down on his stomach.

The bare skin of their thighs so close to him makes the biting urge flare up again.  This time he doesn't squash it down.  Instead he uses the urge help him decide which thigh to mark.  Once the decision is made he uses his light grip on the other to hoist up their left leg into a bend.  Shi Qingxuan makes a little noise, catching He Xuan's attention.  Looking up, he sees them covering the lower half of their face with both hands as a blush peeks out from the tops of their cheeks.  Seeing that they are not uncomfortable and just embarrassed he feels his confidence surge enough to continue.

Before he lowers himself to where the back of their knee meets their thigh, he tells them, "I'm going to get you prepared for when I give you the hickey, alright?" Shi Qingxuan just nods.  Looking away from them, he puts his full focus on the limb in front of them.  When his mouth is close enough to the skin, he closes his eyes and places a reverent kiss onto it.  Above him Shi Qingxuan's breath hitches but they don't push him away.  Taking that as encouragement, he continues with his actions.  Making a path of kisses traveling up the inner thigh.  Until he ends up on a spot that's around the middle and places an open mouth kiss on the spot.  He then sinks his teeth into flesh, causing Shi Qingxuan to let out a cry before it trails off into a small moan as he begins sucking the skin in his mouth.

Once he feels he's done enough, he lets the flesh go with a pop.  When he opens his eyes to see his work, a part of himself is pleased seeing the light brown, petal like mark on the thigh.  After placing a quick kiss on the hickey, he moves his hands underneath himself to rise up from the ground.  Looking at the hickey again, he admires how much it makes such a pretty contrast against the milky white of the other's thighs.

He's broken out of his admiring thoughts when he sees thin fingers entering his vision as they caress lightly over the hickey.  Looking at Shi Qingxuan's face he sees the fascination in the other's eyes as they continue brushing their fingers over the mark.  Probably feeling how they are being stared at, they look up at He Xuan and lock eyes.  After a bit, Shi Qingxuan is the one to break the silence by saying, "It looks kind of like a cherry blossom petal." He catches them pressing their fingers onto the mark, which makes them let out a small gasp as they finish with, "I like it." Knowing that his own eyes must be radiating a dangerous heat he still doesn't look away from them as he places his hand back on the thigh.  His thumb resting on the hickey as he confesses, "So do I." He sees/feels a shiver come up their body as he does so.

Moving to lace both their fingers together on the thigh, they ask, "Can you give me these all the time?" A huge bolt of arousal shots through him hearing this.  Taking a steading breath he answers, "I'll do it for as long as you want." Making his point as he caresses his thumb over the hickey.

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