Truth 7 (Shi Qingxuan)

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The air is somber.  Mainly at He Xuan's end as he tries hard not to think about the moments that inspired the tattoo on his right thigh.  Shi Qingxuan still hasn't let go of him.  They just remain like that; giving comfort to their friend even without context of what is troubling him.  It doesn't matter to either of them how long they stay like this.  Both of them need this more than anything.

When Shi Qingxuan's temporary phone goes off, He Xuan lets out a frustrated breath at the interruption.  Shi Qingxuan shares his sentiments by letting out a complaining whine.  The childish pout back on their lips as they move to reach for where their phone is at.  Not moving even an inch off of his lap.  Sitting back so that their back is once more on He Xuan's chest, they open their phone.  As they do so they complain, "If our 'host' really can see everything, they should know to read the room and not interrupt." He just hums in response.

After clicking the message app, they turn to tell him, "You can look over my shoulder to read if you want." He Xuan hums again as they turn back to the phone.  As they read, He Xuan does move his head so that he can read over the text.  Much easier than having to play telephone with the texts.

Unknown Number:

Truth: Do you have any tattoos yourself, if not then would you consider ever getting any?

He raises his eyebrow after reading this.  Is this some ploy to lead them both into a false sense of security before pulling the rug from underneath them?  Whatever it is, it looks like Shi Qingxuan is genuinely thinking about how to answer the question as they put the phone away.  It takes a bit before Shi Qingxuan says, "I don't currently have any tattoos myself, but I have thought about getting a couple." Interested at this answer, He Xuan asks, "Really?" Shi Qingxuan nods.

They then explain, "I don't want them to be too big, just some decently sized ones that won't cause too much pain." Pointing under their left clavicle they say, "I want to start with one right here," He looks at where they are pointing at as they describe the tattoo in their mind's eye, "I see it as being a bird, either a nightingale or a sparrow because those are the birds I associate myself with.  Then underneath the bird I want the words 'free as the wind' written in our native calligraphy." Able to picture the tattoo in his mind, He Xuan comments, "That sounds like a tattoo that suites you." Shi Qingxuan smiles, "I think so too, even Lian thought so when I told him.  I just have to figure out the final touches and find a good tattoo place." He Xuan nods in understanding.  After all, there has to be no second thoughts when you get a tattoo.

He then thinks about where the drafted tattoo is going to go.  So he voices his concern, "Is that going to mess with your breast?" He has no idea the dos and don'ts after someone has had a breast augmentation.  Shi Qingxuan replies, "I might have to talk to the surgeon that did it, but I remember her saying that as long as nothing considered harmful comes directly in contact with my breasts, it's okay." He Xuan can only nod.  If anyone knew better it's the surgeon.

Shi Qingxuan then changes the subject, "Anyways, for the second tattoo I was thinking of doing an infinity symbol on either inner forearm.  Then maybe incorporating either feathers or someone's name." Hearing the last part of the sentence, He Xuan automatically says, "Go for the first option, getting names that aren't family or friends is bad luck and stupid." Raising an eyebrow at this, they ask, "Why is it considered bad luck?" He Xuan explains, "It's because a majority of the time a relationship ends after the name of a significant other is tattooed." Shi Qingxuan's eyes widen at this, "Seriously?" He Xuan nods, "I have read a lot of statistic studies of it happening, and a couple of people I know went through that experience.  Besides it's just a stupid decision to do in the first place." Shi Qingxuan mutters, "Okay." Before they put a finger to their chin.

It takes a bit before they seem to remember something, "Wait, Cheng has a tattoo of Lian's name on his forearm and they're still together." He Xuan rolls his eyes, "That's because Hua Cheng is corny like that." Before adding, "And there are always exceptions to rules." Shi Qingxuan replies, "That is a good point." Before settling back against He Xuan once more.

It's as they are sitting still that He Xuan is beginning to feel one of his legs getting numb.  Tapping his fingers against Shi Qingxuan's side, he tells them, "Move a bit, I need to switch legs." Shi Qingxuan nods in understanding before getting their hands underneath themselves to lift up a bit.  Their rear lightly settling over one of his legs as he sifts his position.  After shaking the leg a bit to get some blood flow back, he settles and says, "Okay, you can settle back down." Shi Qingxuan doing so without hesitation.

He really hopes Shi Qingxuan gets that dare soon after his turn.  As much as he doesn't mind the other sitting still, his legs won't appreciate being used as a cushion for a long period of time.  And as long as Shi Qingxuan keeps sitting still the other issue won't be addressed.  Just as he thinks that, his phone goes off.  Curious at the quickness of this text, he grabs the phone and opens the text.  Only to scream, 'Fuck my life!!!' In his head.  

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